献给所有正在学习批处理的新手朋友,祝他们都能很快的踏入批处理大门! 此批处理入门手册是作者学习过程中的一部分笔记,大多数收集于网络和批处理之家。 在此极力推荐一个学习批处的好地方,那就是批处理之家 http://www.bathome.cn 希望各位朋 友都常去做客! 2009-09-15 星期二 Januapr
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Alla Kholmatova is a UX and interaction designer with a nine-year experience of working on the web, for a range of products and companies. Most recently she was a senior product designer at an open education platform, FutureLearn. She’s particularly interested in design systems, language, and collaborative ways of working. In the last two years, she has been spending a huge amount of time working on and researching the subject. She’s been sharing her insights with people through articles, workshops, and projects. Alla contributes to design publications, such as A List Apart, and speaks at conferences around the world.
2021-07-22 11:46:19 4.32MB 系统设计
Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world where everything is driven by technology and data. It is used extensively across many fields such as search engines, image recognition, robotics, finance, and so on. We will explore various real-world scenarios in this book and you’ll learn about various algorithms that can be used to build Artificial Intelligence applications. During the course of this book, you will find out how to make informed decisions about what algorithms to use in a given context. Starting from the basics of Artificial Intelligence, you will learn how to develop various building blocks using different data mining techniques. You will see how to implement different algorithms to get the best possible results, and will understand how to apply them to real-world scenarios. If you want to add an intelligence layer to any application that’s based on images, text, stock market, or some other form of data, this exciting book on Artificial Intelligence will definitely be your guide! What You Will Learn Realize different classification and regression techniques Understand the concept of clustering and how to use it to automatically segment data See how to build an intelligent recommender system Understand logic programming and how to use it Build automatic speech recognition systems Understand the basics of heuristic search and genetic programming Develop games using Artificial Intelligence Learn how reinforcement learning works Discover how to build intelligent applications centered on images, text, and time series data See how to use deep learning algorithms and build applications based on it Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Chapter 2. Classification and Regression Using Supervised Learning Chapter 3. Predictive Analytics with Ensemble Learning Chapter 4. Detecting Patterns with Unsupervised Learning Chapter 5. Building Recommender Systems Chapter 6. Logic Programming Chapter 7. Heuri
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