Devart UniDAC 9.1.1 Professional For RAD Studio 11 Alexandria exe文件,直接安装,非源码 Delphi 11上安装通过
2022-02-15 11:05:51 109.89MB UniDAC Alexandria RADStudio11 Delphi11
2022-02-07 13:02:36 462.3MB devexpress delphi alexandria
FastReport 6.9.16 VCL Enterprise (Delphi 7 - EX11 Alexandria) Extracted Sources安装包,Delphi 7 至 Delphi EX 11 Alexandria均可使用,安装包中包含安装步骤说明,100%可用。
2022-02-05 12:05:17 21.02MB fastreport delphi Alexandria
Devexpress vcl v21.1.7 支持Delphi 11 Alexandria . 组件包没有dcu. 需要以链接bpl包方式运行。
2022-02-05 12:05:16 463.12MB devexpress Alexandria
经测试完美支持到Delphi7 到Delphi 11 Alexandria,可放心使用. 并且包括汉化资源。DLL中使用范例。帮助,Demo.
2022-02-05 09:14:29 439.86MB delphi devexpress
TeeChart Pro VCL/FMX Pro version 2021.33 完全源码版本(修正因不支持的字符串符号而报错) 支持到 支持RAD Studio 11 Alexandria 已经过测试,可放心使用。
2022-01-28 09:08:46 79.8MB 支持RADStudio11
Delphi 组件,方便获取硬件、系统信息,MiTeC System Information Component Suite + TMiTeC_AD: Active Directory enumerations + TMiTeC_APM: provides informaton about Advanced Power Management 支持 D5- RAD Studio 11 Alexandria
2022-01-27 19:05:50 9.19MB delphi system
ReportBuilder是Delphi报告解决方案的事实上的标准,使用ReportBuilder Enterprise,您可以获得ReportBuilder Professional中包含的所有内容,以及RAP语言,它允许开发人员和最终用户在运行时编写计算和复杂事件处理程序。RAP允许将整个报告定义(数据、计算和布局)存储在应用程序可执行文件之外。用于报告Delphi为应用程序开发所做的工作。ReportBuilder提供了一个RAD环境和一个用于求解报告方程的面向对象的平台。使用RAP构建可移植报告。RAP使开发人员和最终用户能够在没有Delphi的情况下编写计算和事件处理程序。运行时代码可以与报表定义一起保存在应用程序可执行文件之外。RAP向报告设计器添加了一个Calc选项卡,它提供了一个易于使用的界面来编写报告事件处理程序。
2022-01-16 09:06:16 157.22MB 组件
2022-01-08 16:03:30 476.18MB DevExpress_VCL_v
AlphaControls 2021 -------------------- The Library contains skinning tool for Delphi 5/6/7/2005-2010/XE-XE8, C++ Builder 6/2006-2010/XE-XE8, RAD Studio 10 Seattle, RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo, RAD Studio 10.3 Rio, RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------- Overview Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Feedback Overview -------- AlphaControls is a collection of standard controls with new properties added in order to enhanced program interface and add behaviors to common controls. Each control have their own properties for painting extended gradient, extended borders, alpha-blending and true blurred shadow. Graphics functions are rendered in real time, so, effects are always sharp with color scheme used. Added caption properties for position and rendering. Mouse event added provide great possiblities. Style Hints control make hints to be displayed alpha-blended and you can choose from many ways to display. Analogues of standard components provides all functionality and adds many new possibilities for application interface design and work. With AlphaControls, use a new modern way to design enhanced interfaces and make your application more attractive... while adding pleasure and fun to end users. Demonstration Programs ---------------------- Demonstration programs shows some features of AlphaControls and can help you in understanding of main conceptions of AlphaControls. Page with demo programs: Link to compiled main demo: Registering and Prices ---------------------- The AlphaControls is a Shareware product. If you find it useful and want to receive the latest versions please register your evaluation copy. You can read detail information about registration in ORDERS page at the AlphaControls home-site. After registration you will receive fully-fu
2021-12-22 19:04:31 43.33MB AlphaControls delphi vcl