数字信号处理英文版课件:Chapter7 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain 第四版.ppt
2022-06-29 09:07:07 1.74MB 数字信号处理
数字信号处理教学课件:Chapter4 Discrete-time Systems.ppt
2022-06-28 09:06:42 940KB 数字信号处理
数字信号处理教学课件:Chapter7 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain.ppt
2022-06-28 09:06:40 1.3MB 数字信号处理
数字信号处理教学课件:Chapter2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems in the Time-Domain.ppt
2022-06-27 14:06:07 929KB 数字信号处理
数字信号处理教学课件:Chapter3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform.ppt
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信号与系统英文版课件:Chap5 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform.pptx
2022-06-24 09:01:21 1.04MB 信号与系统
信号与系统英文版教学课件:ch5 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform.ppt
2022-06-22 09:05:00 2.25MB 信号与系统
A. 基本訊號與系統 1. Discrete-time (DT) signal and system 2. LTI system 3. DT Fourier transform  B. Z轉換 1. Z-transform 2. Region of convergence 3. Inverse Z-transform  C. 取樣分析 1. Periodic sampling 2. Signal reconstruction 3. Discrete-time processing  D. 多率系統 1. Changing the sampling rate 2. Multirate signal processing 3. Oversampling and noise shaping  E. 頻域分析 1. Frequency responses of LTI systems 2. All-pass systems 3. Minimum-phase and linear-phase systems  F. 數字系統架構 1. Structures for IIR and FIR systems 2. Lattice filter 3. Quantization effect 4. Round-off noise effect   G. 濾波器設計 1. IIR filter design 2. FIR filter design 3. Optimal filter design  H. 離散傅立業轉換 1. Discrete Fourier series 2. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 3. Linear convolution using DFT  4. The discrete cosine transform (DCT)  I. 快速傅立業轉換 1. Decimation-in-time FFT 2. Decimation-in-freq. FFT 3. Convolution approach   
2022-05-09 09:41:42 18.29MB DSP
2022-04-11 13:00:44 26.38MB Contro
离散时间信号处理(英文第三版)_oppenheim_Discrete-Time_Signal_Processing_3rd_edition 文字版,非扫描版,看下来更舒服 注意:本人上传权限有限,只能分卷压缩,需要下载4个分卷才可解压