Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 官方教程
2021-08-22 09:03:13 37.39MB AdobePhotoshop
Since Lightroom 1.0 first launched, Scott’s Kelby’s The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers has been the world’s #1 bestselling Lightroom book (it has been translated into a dozen different languages), and in this latest version for Lightroom 6, Scott uses his same award-winning, step-by-step, plain-English style and layout to make learning Lightroom easy and fun. Scott doesn’t just show you which sliders do what (every Lightroom book will do that). Instead, by using the following three simple, yet brilliant, techniques that make it just an incredible learning tool, this book shows you how to create your own photography workflow using Lightroom: • Throughout the book, Scott shares his own personal settings and studio-tested techniques. Each year he trains thousands of Lightroom users at his live seminars and through that he’s learned what really works, what doesn’t, and he tells you flat out which techniques work best, which to avoid, and why. • The entire book is laid out in a real workflow order with everything step by step, so you can begin using Lightroom like a pro from the start. • What really sets this book apart is the last chapter. This is where Scott dramatically answers his #1 most-asked Lightroom question, which is: “Exactly what order am I supposed to do things in, and where does Photoshop fit in?” You’ll see Scott’s entire start-to-finish Lightroom 6 workflow and learn how to incorporate it into your own workflow. • Plus, this book includes a downloadable collection of some of the hottest Lightroom Develop module presets to give you a bunch of amazing effects with just one click! Scott knows firsthand the challenges today’s digital photographers are facing, and what they want to learn next to make their workflow faster, easier, and more fun. He has incorporated all of that into this major update for Lightroom 6. It’s the first and only book to bring the whole process together in such a clear, concise, and visual way. Plus,
2021-08-12 20:38:58 143.93MB photoshop lightroom CC Digital
Adobe photoshop CS6完全中文汉化语言包,直接解压可用
2021-08-05 04:55:40 425KB 中文 语言包 汉化 photoshop
Adobe Photoshop CS6 簡繁中日英 語言包 en_US ja_JP zh_CN zh-TW (真CS6 非CS5語言包冒充)
2021-07-26 21:31:30 1.8MB 語言包 簡體中文 繁體中文 日文
Adobe-Photoshop-CS6-自学教程完整版(全面详解); 详细的Photoshop(PS)教程、使用技巧、图片处理技术、漂亮的文字效果,以及各类工具的使用。适合新手快速入门使用Photoshop(PS)。
2021-07-24 16:09:30 1.89MB Adobe-Photoshop-
PS-DDS插件 NVIDIA官网下载 1、解压压缩包 复制*.8bi文件 2、放在ps2019/Required/Plug-ins/Import-Export下 3、重启ps PS2019亲测可读 导出的文件3dmax之类的软件不认
2021-07-08 17:51:53 5.68MB ps dds
《Adobe Photoshop CC 课堂一书尽览》(2018年版)——迄今最新、最权威的官方Photoshop CC教材。献给英文基础好,有兴趣自学Photoshop,有志今后到国外施展才华的年轻艺术家。你愿意下载阅读,便是你我的缘分,所以只收1个资源分。
2021-06-27 20:09:50 27.82MB Photoshop CC Classroom 2018
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017图像处理教程-课件,自学可以永用,教学也可以用。
2021-06-05 17:38:10 71.72MB Adobe Photos