正态分布的尺度混合及有限混合 在最近股票收益率研究中!人们倾向于利用正态分布的尺度混合或有限混合。 尺度混合 对数收益率服从均值为u,方差为sigma^2的正态分布,但是方差是一个随机变量。 有限混合 一个有限混合的例子:
2022-11-26 23:13:07 2.93MB 高频数据
2022-11-24 12:07:51 106KB EXCEL 正态分布
2022-10-30 19:47:23 328KB 标准正态分布 新估计 1估计 L
The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray Pirated Edition PART 1. THE EMERGENCE OF A COGNITIVE ELITE 1 Cognitive Class and Education, 1900-1990 29 2 Cognitive Partitioning by Occupation 51 3 The Economic Pressure to Partition 63 4 Steeper Ladders, Narrower Gates91 PART 2 COGNITIVE CLASSES AND SOCIAL BEHIOR 5 Poverty 127 6 Schooling 143 7 Unemployment, Idleness, and Injury155 8 Family Matters167 9 Welfare Dependency191 10 Parenting203 11 Crime 235 12 Civility and Citizenship 253 PART 3 THE NATIONAL CONTEXT 13 Ethnic Differences in Cognitive Ability 269 14 Ethnic Inequalities in Relation to IQ317 15 The Demography of Intelligence 341 16 Social Behavior and the Prevalence of Low Cognitive Ability 369 PART 4. LIVING TOGETHER 17 Raising Cognitive Ability389 18 The Leveling of American Education 417 19 Affirmative Action in Higher Education 447 20 Affirmative Action in the Workplace 479 21 The Way We Are Headed509 22 A Place for Everyone 527 APPENDIXES Statistics for People Who Are Sure They Can’t Learn Statistics 553 ù Technical Issues Regarding the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 569 3Technical Issues Regarding the Armed Forces Qualification Test as a Measure of IQ 579 4 Regression Analyses from Part 2 593 5 Supplemental Material for Chapter 13 625 6 Regression Analyses from Chapter 14 645 7 The Evolution of Affirmative Action in the Workplace655 Notes 665 Bibliography 775 Index 833 some Bigots and Enthusiasts, and through Fear assented to by some wiser and better Men; it is this. They argue against a fair Discussion of popular Prejudices, because, say they, tho’they would be found without any reasonable Support, yet the Discovery might be productive of the most dangerous Consequences. Absurd and blasphemous Notion! As if all Happiness was not connected with the Practice of Virtue, which necessarily depends upon the Knowledge of Truth. EDMUND BURKE A Vindication of Natural Society
2022-10-07 13:05:37 1.41MB 正态分布
2022-09-26 09:24:31 679KB 工程技术 论文
此函数提供多元正态分布条件期望和协方差矩阵的矢量化估计。 均值是一个矩阵,其中行表示期望向量。 Sigma 是协方差矩阵。 Ind 是第一个无条件参数的索引。 值是条件值的矩阵,其中的行对应于平均行。
2022-08-22 15:20:14 1KB matlab
2022-07-25 21:46:14 839KB 首发论文
2022-07-20 13:47:13 678KB Kelly Criter 凯利公式 凯利方程式