STM32L1xx Standard Peripheral Libraries V1.3.1 STM32L1xx标准固件函数库
2023-07-17 10:15:23 18.28MB 标准固件函数库
2023-07-15 02:29:20 13.82MB HG8245
内置更新正版授权AI语音助手 本固件为创维代工M302A(2+8)、E900V22E(2+8)、E900V21E、E900V21C通刷版 2021年8月1日更新: 1、支持多屏互动功能; 2、支持蓝牙遥控器自动配对功能; 3、系统设置网络连接处遥控器左键连续按11次打开无线网络,密码10086 6月24日重大更新: 1、适配蓝牙遥控器语音直播、点播功能,支持电视家3.0、HDP直播、完美直播、芒果TV、腾讯视频等软件语音直播点播功能; 固件来自黑马
2023-07-10 18:21:57 538.67MB 刷机固件 创维电视盒子
华为K662C固件_V500R020C00SPC200版本 WEB页面直接升级,有指示灯开关,组网速度快等等
2023-07-10 13:09:59 33.4MB 华为K662C K662C固件
2023-07-08 21:12:05 10.65MB f660固件
An embedded system is just a computer buried inside some other product. Surprisingly, you can know a great deal about programming and computing and still get lost in the arcane world of embedded systems. In the world of embedded systems programming, countless details — both hardware- and software-related — make the development process seem like a path that few have traveled and even fewer have survived. How do software, hardware, and firmware differ? How in the world does a 100,000-line program end up inside a device smaller than my fingernail? What is flash memory and why do I need a cache? What is the difference between a task and a process? Do I need to worry about reentrancy? As we progress through Embedded Systems Firmware Demystified, you will come to see that these questions are not as complex as they first appear. Embedded systems programming spans a wide range of activities from building programmable logic at the most concrete end to writing a UNIX™ process at the most abstract end. Bracketed by these poles, the industry has exploded in the last 20 years. In the late seventies, assemblers were considered luxuries. A typical embedded system used less than 64Kb of system memory (bits, not bytes!).
2023-07-07 11:48:44 4.57MB 嵌入式 固件
华为AP3010DN-V2,Fat AP(胖AP)固件
2023-07-05 15:24:42 23.01MB AP 固件 Huawei 华为
web网页配置8266,访问IP192.168.4.1 默认账号密码统一为admin
2023-07-04 23:14:55 15.78MB 8266 web
连接后登陆: 用户名telecomadmin 密码nE7jA%5m 登陆页面后,点击“管理->设备管理->版本升级
2023-07-04 19:13:12 9.79MB 中兴F660
2023-07-03 22:40:46 79KB EasyWe openwr 固件更新