The first edition of this book was published in 1980. Many significant changes were made for the second edition (1986), most notably the exercise sets were greatly expanded and the linear transformations chapter of the book was completely revised. Each of the following editions has seen significant modifications including the addition of comprehensive sets of MATLAB computer exercises, a dramatic increase in the number of applications, and many revisions in the various sections of the book. I have been fortunate to have had outstanding reviewers and their suggestions have led to many important improvements in the book. For the ninth edition we have given special attention to Chapter 7 as it is the only chapter that has not seen major revisions in any of the previous editions. The following is an outline of the most significant revisions that were made for the ninth edition.
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Linear Algebra and Its Applications 5th Edition 线性代数及其应用,计算机图形学基础
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Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th edition--Gilbert Strang(中文清晰目录)
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这本是[Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra]配套习题集答案。
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Ed 5, Gilbert Strang - Introduction to Linear Algebra (2016, Wellesley-Cambridge Press),有书签,内容清晰,非扫描版本;
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chapter 3 Linear least square problems. Written by Dammel
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A First Course in Abstract Algebra-JB Fraleigh, 7ed(2003).djvu
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