2021-12-20 12:28:04 12.86MB Engineering-
http://www.advancedinstaller.com/user-guide 英文文档汉化
2021-12-20 10:24:59 7.61MB advanced installer 中文 帮助文档
Advanced Methods and Deep Learning+in Computer Vision2021
2021-12-19 17:09:40 96.18MB ComputerVision
2019-R语言新书 Advanced R Statistical Programming and Data Models_ Analysis, Machine Learning, and Visualization-Apress (2019),R语言中2019年新出来的书!!非常的好
2021-12-19 09:54:52 70.13MB R语言 数据分析 数据可视化 机器学习
【亲测可用,安全无毒,送注册码,官方下载】 Advanced RAR Password Recovery 4.53(注册码) 程序功能:RAR压缩包加了密,忘了情况下,使用它破解密码 --------- 打包内容 ------------ 1.软件(英文版)。读者可到华军软件、天空软件等主流软件站下载 2.注册码.txt(包括我收集的注册码、使用方法、在线杀毒等) 3.我使用的截图(亲测无毒放心使用,分享万岁.jpg) 4.自己的压缩包密码忘了,找了很多资料,测试成功……用心良苦哦………… ………………
2021-12-16 16:23:57 2.36MB 安全 rar解密 4.53 注册码
This lecture series gives comprehensive overview of the broad field of advanced radar systems, signal and data processing. The series starts with a lecture by U. Nickel in which the basic and fundamental of signal processing for phased array radar and their problems with grating lobes, ambiguities, and angle estimation for instance. The lecture “Advanced target tracking techniques” by W. Koch gives a short introduction to the principle of target tracking and several approaches are discussed for sequential track extraction and for phased-array radars. In the third lecture P. Berens gives an introduction to the synthetic aperture radar (SAR). T. Johnsen provides an overview of bi- and multistatic radar and their associated problems like synchronization, timing, and signal processing. The second lecture of U. Nickel focuses on the problem of adaptive array signal processing and provides the fundamental understanding for the next two lectures. The focus of these lectures, presented by W. Bürger, is on space-time adaptive processing. In his second lecture P. Berens continues with the topic of the synthetic aperture radar and expands the presented techniques to wideband SAR and multichannel SAR/MTI systems. W. Koch’s second paper focuses on sensor data and information fusion, which is essential to extract key-information for the final judgement using several sensors. In summery, this Lecture Series presents a unique overview of the state of the art of advanced radar and the associated signal and data processing research. It offers a variety of material for all those being involved in this scientific area, e.g. students, university teachers, researchers, industrial system designers, and military users.
DP esprit Cam 后处理的高级课程,必须在前一篇基础篇理解透彻的前提下再学习这一篇.能体会一种渐入佳境的感觉.
2021-12-15 17:11:07 132KB esprit post 后处理教程
2021 Swift 5 英文版本 4.0 (2019 年 7 月),中文版本 4.0 (2019 年 11 月)
2021-12-15 16:07:00 8.98MB swift5 objccn swift进阶
最新的Advanced system care 专业版激活码,本人试过,绝对可用
2021-12-13 15:34:42 37B Advanced system care
一本难得的vb高级编程书籍 本书是微软Visual Studio的资深专家Matthew Curland多年VB开发经验的总结,着重于解决VB程序员编程时所遇到的困难。由浅入深,循序渐近地讲解了如何开发标准的VB代码、高级编程技巧。以及如何通过一些新算法的使用提高编码效率和性能。附带的光盘提供了书中内容的相关代码,稍加扩展即可获得用户自定义类型、轻量对象系统、创建定制窗口以及函数重载等功能。盘中还提供了三个功能强大的类型库,对VB中使用的和由VB产生的类型库进行了修正。    本书适合高级程序员阅读,也可供专业计算机人士参考。
2021-12-13 13:43:23 9.84MB Matthew Curland《高级Visual+Basic编程》