大势至USB端口管理软件介绍 大势至电脑USB端口管理软件是当前国内最强大的电脑文件安全管理软件,不仅可以完全禁止U盘、移动硬盘、手机等USB存储设备的使用,而且还不影响非USB存储设备(如USB鼠标键盘和加密狗)
2020-01-09 03:06:31 19.37MB 大势至电脑
绿色免安装orcad 10.3。安装非常简单,非常实用!压缩文档资料
2020-01-09 03:01:37 3.98MB orcad 10.3
ET GeoTools is a set of tools for ArcGIS which purpose is to increase the editing productivity in ArcMap, give enhanced editing functionality to the ArcView users and enable them to create and maintain topologically correct datasets. ET GeoWizards is a set of powerful functions that will help the ArcGIS users to manipulate data with ease. More info: http://www.ian-ko.com/ET_GeoWizards/gw_MainFeatures.htm ET Surface is a set of tools for ArcGIS that enable the users to create surfaces and perform surface analysis without the need of 3D or Spatial Analyst extensions. More info: http://www.ian-ko.com/ET_Surface/ets_functions.htm 如果你喜欢。请购买正版。
2020-01-04 03:02:51 234KB ET Spatial ArcGIS 10.3
K3 10.3破解轻松实现,无须注册无病毒,安全使用
2020-01-03 11:41:06 29KB K3 10.3破解
软件介绍: Flash Player 10.3官方最新版中的主要改进包括:加入媒体检测;- 加入回声取消处理;与浏览器集成的隐私控制;- 加入本机控制面板;Mac OS加入自动升级通知;它是首个为桌面和移动设备带来完整Web体验的版本,带来了四大全新特性和增强:Stage Video硬件加速:新的视频播放API接口,Adobe MAX 2010大会上首次公布,可让开发人员充分利用视频渲染管线的硬件加速能力,提供最好的视频性能,包括大幅降低CPU占用率(最多85%)、减少内存占用量、提高播放帧率、增强像素精确度与质量,号称内部测试显示可在笔记本上以零CPU占用率播放1080p高清视频。支持IE9硬件加速渲染:可发挥IE硬件加速图形的优势,利用硬件渲染层提升图形性能、实现无缝图形合成。原生自定义光标:允许开发人员自行定制原生的鼠标光标,增强用户体验、提升性能。支持多显示器全屏模式:在第二台显示器上,全屏显示的内容仍将保持全屏状态,用户可以全屏观看视频的同时在另一台显示器上工作
2020-01-03 11:39:24 2.89MB 其他资源
TMS Component Pack是VCL平台功能全面、性能卓越的用户界面开发控件套包。该控件包含了超过400个为Delphi以及C++Builder设计的TMS生产控件。本源码来源于互联网,请低调使用,不得用于商业用途。
2020-01-03 11:26:49 88.39MB TMS
2020-01-03 11:24:21 49.65MB lucene
1.解压安装包。 2.打开MATLAB,使用MATLAB内部文件浏览器,找到安装包(.mlrbx),双击打开,点击安装即可。 3.在MATLAB中,输入指令robot,验证。
2020-01-03 11:19:19 19.38MB matlab robotics 机器人 机器人工具箱
适用于RAD Studio 10.3 安装Raize Components 6.2.3 安装包里有说明
2020-01-03 11:16:55 17.8MB RAD Studio 10.3 Raize
7.4.11 26-Nov-18 RAD Studio 10.3 Rio is supported Support of UPPER and LOWER functions for Unified SQL is added Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed Bug with using the TrimFixedChar property is fixed Bug with saving a dataset that contains BLOB fields to XML is fixed Bug with the Refresh method of TVirualQuery is fixed Bug with handling BCD fields in TVirtualQuery is fixed Bug with updating fields which have data type mapping in TVirtualQuery is fixed Oracle data provider Oracle 18c is supported Implicit result sets in Oracle 12 are supported Bug with detecting time zone when connecting in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with using an extended string in DML statements in Oracle 12 is fixed Bug with using the IFILE option in TNSNAMES.ORA is fixed SQLServer data provider QuoteNames option in TUniLoader to escape field names is added Bug with mapping a TEXT field to ftWideMemo in Delphi is fixed Bug with SQL statements containing a CONTAINS predicate in the WHERE clause is fixed Bug with application freezing when executing a stored procedure is fixed Bug with editing the ConnectString property in TUniConnection in design-time editor is fixed Bug with XML field types when clearing data is fixed Bug with setting "MSOLEDBSQL.1" value for the TUniConnection.ConnectString property is fixed MySQL data provider Support for PAM and Windows authentications is added Bug in TUniDump with backuping stored procedures in MySQL 8 is fixed Bug with describing binary fields is fixed InterBase data provider Possibility to write large blobs by pieces is added PostgreSQL data provider PostgreSQL 11 is supported SQLite data provider Support for the BreakExec method in the Query component is added Bug in TUniDump with dumping national characters when UseUnicode is True is fixed ASE data provider Bug with AssignConnect is fixed MongoDB data provider Bug with re-setting a query for the Query component is fixed DBF data provider Detection of the file format when the DBFFormat option
2019-12-21 22:26:09 98.62MB UNIDAC delphi