2021-12-28 15:32:37 8.31MB 走迷宫机器人 黑白线
《Cloud computing for education- A new dawn》 《Toward dynamic and attribute based publication, discovery and selection for cloud computing》
2021-12-28 12:45:34 3.35MB 云计算 cloud-computing
2021-12-27 17:25:17 9.77MB 流畅
下载文件中含有源文件,实例,文档,教程 CButtonST类简介 1 本章精华 CButtonST是功能非常全的CButton派生类,利用它你可以实现各种按钮的效果,它包括的特征如下: 1、 CButton所有的功能 2、 文字和图标按钮 3、 16×16,32×32,48×48,16或256色图标的支持 4、 支持透明按钮 5、 支持标准的或新的平面按钮风格 6、 运行时刻按钮风格的变换 7、 鼠标悬浮在按钮上时图标的变化 8、 支持tooltips 9、 每个按钮可以有自己的鼠标形状 10、 按钮颜色可以定制 下图是用CButtonST做的几个按钮 图1 CButtonST类主要包括BtnST.h、BtnST.cpp、BCMenu.h和BCMenu.cpp四个文件。如果你打算使用CButtonST的窗口不止一个,那么我建议你在VC++的Workspace | FileView中导入以上的四个文件之后,然后在SdtAfx.h文件中添加合适的include语句,如#include "BtnST.h"。 在接下来的几篇文章中,我将根据作者提供的演示程序向大家介绍CButtonST的各种常用方法。在最后一篇文章中,将为各位提供CButtonST类的中文文档,以供各位在以后的使用中参考。
2021-12-26 20:45:59 26.74MB HOOK 国外
Data Structure And Algorithms : Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2002 - M. Penttonen ALGORITHMS - ROBERT SEDGEWICK Algorithms and Data Structures - Niklaus Wirth Algorithms and Data Structures in CPlusPlus - Alan Parker Algorithms and Data Structures The Science of Computing - Douglas Baldwin Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 1-4 - Robert Sedgewick Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 5 Graph Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick C Algorithms For Real Time DsP - Paul Embree C and Data Structures - P.S. Deshpande C++ Data Structures 3rd ed - Nell Dale CPlusPlus Plus Data Structures, 3rd Ed - Nell Dale Data Structure And Algorithms In C++ 2nd ed - Adam Drozdek Data Structure And Algorithms In Java - Mitchel Waite Data Structure For Game Programers - Ron Penton Data Structures & Algorithms in Java - Robert Lafore Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C - Mark Allen Weiss Data Structures and Algorithms - Alfred V. Aho Data Structures and Algorithms 3 Multi-dimensional Searching and Computational Geometry - Kurt Mehlhorn Data Structures and Algorithms in Java - Peter Drake Data Structures and Algorithms in Java - Robert Lafore DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS USING VISUAL BASIC.NET - MICHAEL MCMILLAN Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in CPlusPlus - Bruno R. Preiss Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in CSharp - Bruno R. Preiss Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java - Bruno R. Preiss Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python - Bruno R. Preiss Data Structures And Problem Solving Using C++ 2nd ed - Mark Weiss Data Structures and Program Design in C++ - Robert L. Kruse Data Structures Demystified - Jim Keogh DATA STRUCTURES IN JAVA A Laboratory Course - Sandra Andersen Data Structures, Algorithms and Program Style Using C - James F. Korsh Dictionaryof Algorithms and Data Structures Fundamentals of Data Structures - Ellis Horowitz Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java - Richard Wiener Garbage Collection Algorithms For Automatic Dynamic Memory Management - Richard Jones Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures In Pascal and C 2nd Ed - G.H. Gonnet Information Retrieval Data Structures & Algorithms - William B. Frakes Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd Ed - Thomas H. Cormen Numerical Recipes in C The Art of Scientific Computing 2nd Ed - William H. Press Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java - Nell Dale Teach Yourself Data Structures And Algorithms In 24 hours - Robert Lafore The Art Of Computer Programming 2nd ed Vol3 - Donald Knuth The Art Of Computer Programming 3rd ed Vol1 - Donald Knuth The Art Of Computer Programming 3rd ed Vol2 - Donald Knuth The Design And Analysis Of Spatial Data Structures - Hanan Samet The Tomes of Delphi Algorithms and Data Structures - Julian Bucknall
2021-12-26 17:25:45 21KB 数据结构 算法
www.free-scada.org freeScada2 FreeSCADA_preview_2.0.0.9.msi
2021-12-25 21:15:22 4.29MB 国外免费的组态软件
2021-12-24 15:17:59 497KB 克里金插值
由萨迪库编著的《应用电路分析/国外电子与电 气工程技术丛书》阐述线性电路的分析方法,可作为 工程技术专业“线性电路分析”课程的教材。全书分 为两部分,第一部分包括第1~10章,主要介绍直流 电路,内容包括:电路的基本概念、电阻、电容、电 感、串联电路、并联电路和串并联电路及其分析方法 等;第二部分包括第11~19章,主要介绍交流电路。   内容包括:交流电压和电流、相量和阻抗、正弦稳态 分析、谐振、频率响应、波特图、三相电压、变压器 、二端口网络等
2021-12-23 21:59:16 91.5MB 应用电路分析
2021-12-23 17:02:30 101KB