Data Structure And Algorithms :
Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2002 - M. Penttonen
Algorithms and Data Structures - Niklaus Wirth
Algorithms and Data Structures in CPlusPlus - Alan Parker
Algorithms and Data Structures The Science of Computing - Douglas Baldwin
Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 1-4 - Robert Sedgewick
Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 5 Graph Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick
C Algorithms For Real Time DsP - Paul Embree
C and Data Structures - P.S. Deshpande
C++ Data Structures 3rd ed - Nell Dale
CPlusPlus Plus Data Structures, 3rd Ed - Nell Dale
Data Structure And Algorithms In C++ 2nd ed - Adam Drozdek
Data Structure And Algorithms In Java - Mitchel Waite
Data Structure For Game Programers - Ron Penton
Data Structures & Algorithms in Java - Robert Lafore
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C - Mark Allen Weiss
Data Structures and Algorithms - Alfred V. Aho
Data Structures and Algorithms 3 Multi-dimensional Searching and Computational Geometry - Kurt Mehlhorn
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java - Peter Drake
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java - Robert Lafore
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in CPlusPlus - Bruno R. Preiss
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in CSharp - Bruno R. Preiss
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java - Bruno R. Preiss
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python - Bruno R. Preiss
Data Structures And Problem Solving Using C++ 2nd ed - Mark Weiss
Data Structures and Program Design in C++ - Robert L. Kruse
Data Structures Demystified - Jim Keogh
DATA STRUCTURES IN JAVA A Laboratory Course - Sandra Andersen
Data Structures, Algorithms and Program Style Using C - James F. Korsh
Dictionaryof Algorithms and Data Structures
Fundamentals of Data Structures - Ellis Horowitz
Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java - Richard Wiener
Garbage Collection Algorithms For Automatic Dynamic Memory Management - Richard Jones
Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures In Pascal and C 2nd Ed - G.H. Gonnet
Information Retrieval Data Structures & Algorithms - William B. Frakes
Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd Ed - Thomas H. Cormen
Numerical Recipes in C The Art of Scientific Computing 2nd Ed - William H. Press
Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java - Nell Dale
Teach Yourself Data Structures And Algorithms In 24 hours - Robert Lafore
The Art Of Computer Programming 2nd ed Vol3 - Donald Knuth
The Art Of Computer Programming 3rd ed Vol1 - Donald Knuth
The Art Of Computer Programming 3rd ed Vol2 - Donald Knuth
The Design And Analysis Of Spatial Data Structures - Hanan Samet
The Tomes of Delphi Algorithms and Data Structures - Julian Bucknall
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