IIS 发布 Core Web 项目,发布后提示没有文件AspNetCoreModuleV2,这个时候需要在机器上安装dotnet-hosting、dotnet-sdk 以上两个文件时64位的。
2021-07-20 14:00:50 238.38MB dotnet-hosting dotnet-sdk AspNetCoreModule CoreWeb
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2021-07-18 15:54:48 142.83MB netcore
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2021-07-17 23:11:59 1.18MB 面试 C # 面试
2021-07-14 11:25:23 6.7MB 插件向导
dotnet core 3.0 的 sdk 支持编译 需要说明的一点的是,DotNetCore 3.0 虽然跨平台,但是基于此的 WPF 却是针对 Windows 特定平台的实现,并不能跨 Linux 和 MacOS
2021-07-12 16:29:21 104.19MB dotnet dotnet
RestSharp是.NET简单REST和HTTP API 客户端。 功能 支持.NET 3.5 ,Silverlight 5,Windows Phone 8,Mono,MonoTouch
2021-07-12 10:19:09 1.75MB .NET开发-HTTP请求库
Pocket48RoomListen 口袋48房间监听搬运
2021-07-07 12:15:21 4.89MB .NET开发-其它杂项
DotNetBar WinForms Samples_应用示例Demo,用DotNetBar 做的简单系统,演示各种DotNetBar 的使用
2021-07-07 11:10:13 30.68MB DotNet DotNet
Benefit from Microsoft's robust suite of security and cryptography primitives to create a complete, hybrid encryption scheme that will protect your data against breaches. This highly practical book teaches you how to use the .NET encryption APIs and Azure Key Vault, and how they can work together to produce a robust security solution. Applied Cryptography in .NET and Azure Key Vault begins with an introduction to the dangers of data breaches and the basics of cryptography. It then takes you through important cryptographic techniques and practices, from hashing and symmetric/asymmetric encryption, to key storage mechanisms. By the end of the book, you'll know how to combine these cryptographic primitives into a hybrid encryption scheme that you can use in your applications. Author Stephen Haunts brings 25 years of software development and security experience to the table to give you the concrete skills, knowledge, and code you need to implement the latest encryption standards in your own projects. What You'll Learn Get an introduction to the principles of encryption Understand the main cryptographic protocols in use today, including AES, DES, 3DES, RSA, SHAx hashing, HMACs, and digital signatures Combine cryptographic techniques to create a hybrid cryptographic scheme, with the benefits of confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation Use Microsoft's Azure Key Vault to securely store encryption keys and secrets Build real-world code to use in your own projects Who This Book Is For Software developers with experience in .NET and C#. No prior knowledge of encryption and cryptographic principles is assumed.
2021-07-04 16:46:16 4.1MB dotnet Cryptography
TsAdmin是一款基于ASP.NET Web Api 2 Vue.js Element UI 的单页无刷新多选项卡的后台管理系统模板
2021-07-03 09:37:14 983KB .NET开发-Web框架