2022-05-30 19:41:18 3.11MB SaTScan
jaspersoft-studio-user-guide_7.1中文版 通过有道机器翻译完成 个人校对
2022-05-28 21:32:48 16.95MB jaspersoft studi
NI-XNET Hardware and Software User Manual and Specifications - National Instruments
2022-05-26 09:41:30 7.96MB NI XNET
Node.js注册登录 使用Node.js,Express.js和MySQL开发的用户注册和用户登录应用程序示例。 该应用程序允许用户注册,登录和访问用户的私人页面会话信息。 安装 确保已安装和 。 git clone https://github.com/yusufsefasezer/nodejs-register-login.git cd nodejs-register-login npm install 1.进口 将sql-file.sql MySQL 2.配置 编辑db.js文件。 3.开始 npm start 您的应用现在应该在上运行。 执照 该项目已获得MIT许可。 有关详细信息,请参见文件。 由创建
2022-05-25 03:24:39 10KB nodejs mysql expressjs user-registration
一、在连接数据库出现密码不对 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES) 1、当时我看到这个错误的时候,我专门多试了几次密码,但是密码明明正确啊,然后,我还用sqlyong工具进行连接也可以连接上,但是Jmeter就是死活连不上。我当时真的很费解,于是我就开始排查。 2、我打开了以前的java项目,没想到在连接数据库的时候也是出现这个问题,我当时真的是百思不得其解 3、我搜遍了网上所有的解决办法: 很多都说是root没有权限,需要重新创建一个用户,再赋予所有权限;我第一个
2022-05-24 15:14:35 56KB al AS c
第一种方法: 推荐错误描述: Mysql中添加用户之后可能出现登录时提示ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user的错误. 原因分析: 在mysql.user表中可能出现user为空的记录,如: mysql> select host,user from user; +——————+——+ | host | user | +——————+——+ | % | test | | localhost | | | localhost | root | +——————+——+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) 解决 办法: 删除这些为空的用户或者更
2022-05-24 15:09:06 58KB access AS c
2022-05-24 08:16:43 694KB qnx
SECTION 1 Overview describes what the OSEK OS is and highlights its basic features. SECTION 2 Notation contains the description of the Manual structure, typographical conventions and the list of acronyms. SECTION 3 Operating System Architecture gives the high level description of OS architecture and presents OS Conformance Classes. SECTION 4 Task Management explains the task concept in OSEK and all other questions related to tasks. SECTION 5 Scheduler provides the description of scheduling policies in OSEK OS. SECTION 6 Interrupt Processing highlights OSEK approach to interrupts handling. SECTION 7 Resource Management describes resource management and task coordination by resources. SECTION 8 Counters and Alarms describes usage of these control mechanisms in OSEK OS. SECTION 9 Events is devoted to event management and task coordination by events. SECTION 10 Communication describes message concept in OSEK and their usage. SECTION 11 Error Handling and Special Routines describes support provided to the user to debug an application and handle errors. SECTION 12 System Configuration describes possible OSEK OS versions, configuration options and the configuration mechanism. SECTION 13 Building of Application contains information on how to build an user’s application using OSEK OS. It also describes memory requirements.
2022-05-21 11:08:27 1.02MB OSEK
2022-05-20 13:49:00 9.53MB VCS UVM
Embedded PowerPC Operating System User’s Manua
2022-05-18 21:00:56 3.4MB ppc476