2021-01-28 00:23:28 9.03MB 区块链 超级账本
2021-01-28 00:23:27 9.48MB 区块链 超级账本
单机fabric网络,raft共识,docker部署,5个orderer节点,4个peer节点,Java chaincode
2020-12-28 10:56:57 33.19MB fabric raft
按照HyperLedger/Fabric提示执行的命令是无法运行起first-network这个项目,该demo需要先下载 Platform-specific Binaries(特定的二进制文件)for 1.1.0
2020-11-17 22:28:09 27.59MB HyperLedger Fabric Binaries
讲解了区块链的开发 HyperLedger Fabric开发实战 使人们更加了解区块链
2020-05-08 10:02:22 145.94MB blockchain
hyperledger-fabric-ca-windows-amd64-1.1.0.tar.gz 官网速度真的很慢
2020-01-11 03:16:08 4.85MB hyperledger fabric 区块链 blockchain
hyperledger-fabric-windows-amd64-1.1.0.tar.gz 官网下载太慢了
2020-01-11 03:16:08 28.05MB hyperledger fabric blockchain 区块链
Blockchain concepts and the Hyperledger technologies are hot topics. Hyperledger is an open source project to create private blockchain applications for different domains including finance, banking, supply chain, IoT and much more. This book will be an easy reference to explore and build blockchain networks using Hyperledger services. This book will start with explaining the blockchain evolution and then proceed to an overview of technologies like Ethereum, R3 Corda, Coco, and Hyperledger. We will learn how to set up and launch Hyperledger Fabric in Bluemix. We will look into the architecture and the components of Hyperledger Fabric which are used to build private blockchain applications. Later we will delve into how we can interact with Hyperledger Fabric blockchain to build private networks from scratch covering all the required principles such as chaincode, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies and much more on the Hyperledger network. By the end of this book, you will be able to build and deploy your own decentralized applications using Hyperledger addressing key pain points encountered in blockchain lifecycle.
2019-12-21 22:21:08 5.61MB Blockchain
2017 IBM 开源技术微讲堂 区块链和 HyperLedger 系列的课件,为了便于阅读,这里全部下载打包供大家分享学习
2019-12-21 22:21:03 29.47MB 区块链 HyperLedger IBM 微课程
本PDF文档是HyperLedger Fabric开发实战的PDF版。 《HyperLedger Fabric 开发实战》这本书是⼀本实践指导书籍,由浅⼊深,全部动⼿实践完成后,对 fabric 的基础操作就⽐较熟悉了。 书中对fabric的概念理论涉及较少,重点偏实战,我在实践笔记中也没有涉及概念的讲解,所以需要 对 fabric 有了⼤概了解后再参考本笔记进⾏实践操作,同时需要对 GO 语⾔有基本的了解,fabric 的 智能合约是使⽤ GO 语⾔开发,但⽐较简单,对 GO 的熟练程度要求不⾼。
2019-12-21 22:16:38 2.77MB 区块链 超级账本 HyperL