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《系统分析师教程》是清华大学出版社2010年出版的图书。 本书由全国计算机专业技术资格考试办公室组织编写,是系统分析师考试的指定教材。本书围绕系统分析师的工作职责和任务而展开,对系统分析师所必须掌握的理论基础和应用技术做了详细的介绍,重在培养系统分析师所必须具备的专业技能。 目前网上能找到的系统分析师教程基本上都是pdf版的,这个是epub版。
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Preface I wrote this book to make the principles of wireless communication more accessible. Wireless communication is the dominant means of Internet access for most people, and it has become the means by which our devices connect to the Internet and to each other. Despite the ubiquity of wireless, the principles of wireless communication have remained out of reach for many engineers. The main reason seems to be that the technical concepts of wireless communication are built on the foundations of digital communication. Unfortunately, digital communication is normally studied at the end of an undergraduate program in electrical engineering, leaving no room for a course on wireless communication. In addition, this puts wireless communication out of reach for students in related areas like computer science or aerospace engineering, where digital communication may not be offered. This book provides a means to learn wireless communication together with the fundamentals of digital communication. The premise of this book is that wireless communication can be learned with only a background in digital signal processing (DSP). The utility of a DSP approach stems from the following fact: wireless communication signals (at least ideally) are bandlimited. Thanks to Nyquist’s theorem, it is possible to represent bandlimited continuous-time signals from their samples in discrete time. As a result, discrete time can be used to represent the continuous-time transmitted and received signals in a wireless system. With this connection, channel impairments like multipath fading and noise can be written in terms of their discrete-time equivalents, creating a model for the received signal that is entirely in discrete time.
2021-11-08 21:44:26 11.83MB 通信