多核编程的一本经典书籍:Intel Threading Building Blocks编程指南 PDF清楚非扫描版本。 文件大小约为3M。
Building Microservices with Go pdf
2019-12-21 19:52:58 5.6MB Go Microservice
Building Blocks.dotx office 2007页码模板
2019-12-21 19:49:42 330KB Building Blocks.dotx office 2007页码模板
Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS 第二版,学习Opensips部署的利器。600页电子档
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2019-12-21 19:42:17 5.06MB 软件架构 可进化的
从物联到万联 Node.js与树莓派万维物联网构建实战原版英文pdf。作者Dominique D. Guinard、Vald M.Trifa
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Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Second Edition 出版社: Wiley 总页数:1082页 作者: (英)Ross Anderson 2012年1月清华大学出版社 中译本 译者: 齐宁 韩智文 刘国萍 试读前三章下载:http://product.china-pub.com/194722#xgzy
2019-12-21 19:35:54 5.34MB 信息安全工程 第2版 Ross Anderson
高清彩版 Building.Microservices.with.NET.Core.2.0.2nd.Edition
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Building Trading Bots Using Java English | 6 Jan. 2017 | ISBN: 1484225198 | 300 Pages | PDF | 6.22 MB Build an automated currency trading bot from scratch with java. In this book, you will learn about the nitty-gritty of automated trading and have a closer look at Java, the Spring Framework, event-driven programming, and other open source APIs, notably Google's Guava API. And of course, development will all be test-driven with unit testing coverage. The central theme of Building Trading Bots Using Java is to create a framework that can facilitate automated trading on most of the brokerage platforms, with minimum changes. At the end of the journey, you will have a working trading bot, with a sample implementation using the OANDA REST API, which is free to use. What You'll Learn Find out about trading bots Discover the details of tradeable instruments and apply bots to them Track and use market data events Place orders and trades Work with trade/order and account events Who This Book Is For Experienced programmers new to bots and other algorithmic trading and finance techniques.
2019-12-21 18:55:57 6.22MB Trading Bots Java