《Modeling Color Difference for Visualization Design》,该论文是2017年的一篇最佳会议论文,对可视化中的色差进行建模,比较有创新性,作为图形学课程报告,由于我专业不是图形方向,对这个不太了解,一开始入手很难理解,花了几天啃出来的重要内容都在报告中说明了~
2021-10-15 20:30:56 2.55MB Color Perception Graphical Perception
spinw:用于自旋波计算的SpinW Matlab库
2021-10-15 09:14:09 16.53MB physics matlab modeling physics-simulation
A brief guide to UML.
2021-10-15 06:41:15 6.33MB UML
计算神经科学:在宾夕法尼亚大学教授的关于计算和理论神经科学的短期本科课程。 介绍MATLAB中的编程,单神经元模型,离子通道模型,基本神经网络和神经解码的编程
2021-10-14 13:34:55 88.49MB course-materials simulation matlab modeling
This book provides a thorough introduction to the formal foundations and practical applications of Bayesian networks. It provides an extensive discussion of techniques for building Bayesian networks that model real-world situations, including techniques for synthesizing models from design, learning models from data, and debugging models using sensitivity analysis. It also treats exact and approximate inference algorithms at both theoretical and practical levels. The author assumes very little background on the covered subjects, supplying in-depth discussions for theoretically inclined readers and enough practical details to provide an algorithmic cookbook for the system developer.
2021-10-13 22:52:17 10.32MB Web
2021-10-13 22:41:26 1.86MB 综合文档
The book is designed for a two-course sequence in stochastic models. The first six chapters can form the first course, and the last four chapters, the second course. The book uses a large number of examples to illustrate the concepts as well as computational tools and typical applications. Each chapter also has a large number of exercises collected at the end.
2021-10-13 18:02:53 3.29MB 随机 建模
2021-10-13 10:03:48 10KB Python
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) 开发指南
2021-10-12 06:21:52 1.59MB EMF
EMF Eclipse Modeling Framework 2nd Edition.pdf,好书啊,不过不可以用于商业目的,仅为学习使用
2021-10-09 20:08:48 6.47MB EMF Eclipse Modeling Framework