SQL Server Native Client是微软推出的一款驱动程序,同学们通常在使用Navicat的时候需要用到。
2022-01-04 14:41:40 3.74MB sqlserver navicat sqlncli
2022-01-01 16:22:34 2.32MB KubeEdge 边缘计算 Cloud
proteowizard_macOS_native_build 如何在macOS Catalina(10.15)和Apple clang 11.0.3上构建ProteoWizard本机可执行文件 目标macOS环境 目标ProteoWizard版本:3 0 20306(pwiz-src-without-v-3_0_20306_f98a963) 我的Mac环境用于软件开发 macOS卡塔利娜10.15.6 Xcode 11.6-Apple clang版本11.0.3(clang-1103.0.32.62) 补丁解决了Boost 1.67的构建错误。 follwogin链接是用于修复构建错误的有价值信息的参考。 铛:错误:未知参数:'-fcoalesce-templates' /libraries/boost_1_67_0/boost/atomic/detail/ops_gcc_x
2021-12-31 10:47:54 8KB
纯自研的Hyperledger Fabric2.3的native部署方式(非docker)多节点(3orderer2peer)源码。单机版 运行过程:请参考文件夹里面的log文件。过程覆盖了证书生成、通道建立、节点启动、链码部署、链码调用、链码升级等全生命周期过程。所有配置文件都经过精心测试和优化 注意项:createChannel之前需要启动orderer和peer的5个脚本;所有配置文件的涉及的绝对路径请自己修改;/etc/hosts文件添加127.0.0.1到各个域名的映射如orderer1.example.com等 对于初学者、开发人员、研究人员非常具有学习价值
2021-12-28 19:39:45 36KB 区块链 HyperledgerFabr Native部署 多节点
2021-12-20 22:46:54 92KB react-native
hadoop-native-64-2.4.0.tar 解决运行hadoop 警告:WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
2021-12-20 21:17:27 3.96MB native-64
编译环境:centos 7 + hadoop-2.7.2 +jdk1.8.0_152...含snappy,里面有几个文件是软连接,是指向当前文件夹的文件的,如果失效自己重新软连接一下
2021-12-20 21:08:54 5.42MB hadoop snappy native
欢迎 这是我创建的登录/注册模板。 请随时发表评论,如果您有任何评论,请通知我。 屏幕截图
2021-12-20 13:48:22 533KB TypeScript
ReactJS Blueprints《ReactJS蓝图》: 1、用世界上最火的Javascript库来开发Web App。 2、学习如何加速你的开发速度并节省宝贵的时间。 3、用step-by-step方式的教程让你轻松学会如何解决现实世界中的问题。 The JavaScript revolution has landed! ReactJS is one of those rare technologies that comes out of nowhere and turns established practices on their head. It provides a different way of thinking about how you should develop your apps, and has already gained a massive adoption among web developers. Join the revolution, build web apps faster, and have more fun developing! Packed with real-world code, this book starts by covering the idea behind ReactJS and the key concepts you must familiarize yourself with. You will learn how to bootstrap your ReactJS projects and you’ll also be provided with a handy scaffolding that you can use and reuse over and over. We then go on to cover a wide variety of apps, and will help you to structure and build your own components. Next, you will build a web shop, create a fully responsive and routable app, and also develop a real-time search app. Further on, you will be taught to work with public APIs to create a map-based application. You will also be taken through some advanced concepts such as Redux that are making a huge splash currently in the world of ReactJS. You’ll learn how to efficiently seal off your app for guest access, interact with hardware APIs, and create a photo app. You will then master the art of making your apps universal, and find out how to deploy them to the cloud. Finally, we wrap up the book as you are shown how to make a game. What better way to kick off your ReactJS development journey?
2021-12-12 17:18:49 6.63MB React React.JS React.Native
代码中包含四个文件createUrl.php、ArrayToXML.php、returnGoodsUrl.php、notifyUrl.php 。 createUrl.php:创建微信二维码支付链接 returnGoodsUrl.php:用户扫描二维码链接后,微信将链接中的商品ID、openId以及其他信息post到该脚本,该脚本负责返回与商品ID对应的商品信息。 notifyUrl.php :用户支付商品后,微信服务器会将商品信息、支付结果、用户的openId等重要信息以get和post方式传递到该链接上,该脚本接收这些信息,并根据支付信息做发货处理,最后返回给微信服务器success,告知他们,我们已经处理到此通知。否则,微信服务器将会定期重新发起通知。 ArrayToXML.php:该脚本的作用是将数组转换成为xml。
2021-12-12 13:54:02 6KB 微信支付 Native 扫码支付