计算机网络自顶向下方法课件ppt 研究生教材《计算机网络自顶向下方法》课件ppt,总共6个ppt
2021-09-28 17:05:59 5.36MB 计算机网络 自顶向下方法
《计算机网络自顶向下方法》原书第七版答案 中英文
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th Edition Solutions to Review Questions and Problems Version Date: May 2012 This document contains the solutions to review questions and problems for the 5th edition of Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by Jim Kurose and Keith Ross. These solutions are being made available to instructors ONLY. Please do NOT copy or distribute this document to others (even other instructors). Please do not post any solutions on a publicly-available Web site. We’ll be happy to provide a copy (up-to-date) of this solution manual ourselves to anyone who asks. Acknowledgments: Over the years, several students and colleagues have helped us prepare this solutions manual. Special thanks goes to HongGang Zhang, Rakesh Kumar, Prithula Dhungel, and Vijay Annapureddy. Also thanks to all the readers who have made suggestions and corrected errors. All material © copyright 1996-2012 by J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross. All rights reserved Chapter 1 Review Questions There is no difference. Throughout this text, the words “host” and “end system” are used interchangeably. End systems include PCs, workstations, Web servers, mail servers, PDAs, Internet-connected game consoles, etc. From Wikipedia: Diplomatic protocol is commonly described as a set of international courtesy rules. These well-established and time-honored rules have made it easier for nations and people to live and work together. Part of protocol has always been the acknowledgment of the hierarchical standing of all present. Protocol rules are based on the principles of civility. Standards are important for protocols so that people can create networking systems and products that interoperate. 1. Dial-up modem over telephone line: home; 2. DSL over telephone line: home or small office; 3. Cable to HFC: home; 4. 100 Mbps switched Ethernet: enterprise; 5. Wifi (802.11): home and enterprise: 6. 3G and 4G: wide-area wireless. HFC bandwidth is shared among the users
2021-09-26 16:42:32 2.89MB 自顶向下
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效果描述: 基于jQuery库的flowup.js插件 当你的页面向下拖动的时候,底部的列表会向上滑动展示出来,有一个动画效果 使用方法: 1、将head中的css样式引入到你的网页中 2、将代码部分拷贝到你的网页body结束前的地方即可 (js采用绝对路径,不建议修改)
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2021-09-16 17:11:31 26.34MB 计算机网络自顶向下方法
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