Integration of Backscatter Communication with Multi-cell NOMA
2021-10-13 14:07:50 183KB 网络
Django-React集成方法 项目资源包括两个部分: djsrc /-使用django-admin startproject引导的最简单的Django项目。 为了更好地分割配置和设置文件,对项目结构进行了略微修改。 front-end /-基于弹出的Create React App的项目的前端部分,具有修改后的配置脚本(消除了运行单独的前端服务器(Webpack Dev Server)的需要,等等) 如何运行 克隆仓库 cd djsrc/并启动virtualenv。 例如使用pipenv pipenv shell 安装依赖项并运行django dev服务器 pip install -r requirements.txt ./ runserver 然后打开一个单独的终端: cd ../front-end npm install npm start 前端说明 基
2021-10-08 16:01:03 211KB django integration create-react-app reactjs
学习TeamCity和完整集成 的一本好书,仅供参考 下载后请24小时内删除
2021-10-07 18:05:10 17.27MB Continous integration teamcity
Rcpp is an R add-on package which facilitates extending R with C++ functions. It is being used for anything from small and quickly constructed add-on functions written either to fluidly experiment with something new or to accelerate computing by replacing an R function with its C++ equivalent to large-scale bindings for existing libraries, or as a building block in entirely new research computing environments. While still relatively new as a project, Rcpp has already become widely deployed among users and developers in the R community. Rcpp is now the most popular language extension for the R system and used by over 100 CRAN packages as well as ten BioConductor packages. This books aims to provide a solid introduction to Rcpp
2021-10-03 23:50:42 2.85MB R-Language Rcpp c++
Spring Integration Essentials 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-09-13 15:40:46 1.01MB Spring Integration Essentials
Spring Integration is a Java-based enterprise integration framework that provides a lightweight alternative to more traditional ESBs. By merging the 'Enterprise Integration Patterns' outlined by Hohpe and Woolf (Addison Wesley, 2003) with the programming model of the Spring framework, Spring Integration is remarkably powerful and yet easy to use., , Spring Integration in Action is a hands-on guide to Spring-based messaging and integration. After addressing the core messaging patterns, the book turns to the adapters that enable integration with external systems. Readers will explore real-world enterprise integration scenarios using JMS, Web Services, file systems, and email. The book concludes with a practical guide to advanced topics such as concurrency, performance, system-management, and monitoring.
2021-09-13 15:34:22 10.59MB Spring Integration in Action
ISO 20140 Series Automation systems and integration — Evaluating energy efficiency and other factors of manufacturing systems that influence the environment.7z
2021-09-02 12:01:53 20.65MB 资料
IEC 62264 Series Enterprise-control system integration.7z
2021-09-02 12:01:16 769.4MB 资料
VLDB2021最新《数据增强机器学习》教程,194页ppt阐述知识库的完整性、召回与否定 VLDB会议全称International Conference on Very Large Date Bases,是数据库领域的顶级学术会议和另外两大数据库会议SIGMOD、ICD共同构成了数据库领域的三大顶级会议。本教程讲述数据增强机器学习相关主题。 近年来,我们看到了新的数据增强(DA)技术的发展,用于创建基于机器学习的解决方案所需的额外训练数据。在本教程中,我们将全面概述由数据管理社区开发的用于数据准备和数据集成的技术。除了调查利用规则、转换和外部知识创建额外训练数据的特定任务DA操作符之外,我们还探索了高级DA技术,如插值、条件生成和DA策略学习。最后,我们描述了数据挖掘与其他机器学习范式(如主动学习、预训练和弱监督学习)之间的联系。我们希望这一讨论能够为高质量数据集创建的整体数据增强框架的未来研究方向提供启示。
2021-09-01 19:08:34 4.71MB 数据增强
SQL Server Integration Services 是用于生成企业级数据集成和数据转换解决方案的平台
2021-08-28 18:00:59 25.29MB IntegrationServ ssis ssis2019