对于要装原版mac 10.7.2的童鞋可是个好东西啊
2023-04-13 20:23:41 653KB osinstall mac 10.7.2
主要内容 搭建开发环境 安装SDCC 安装stcgal 安装USB转串口驱动CH341_MAC 实例代码Demo_Cycle.c 编译代码 烧录程序 Makefile编写 搭建开发环境 Mac系统版本: MacOS Catalina USB转串口: CH340/341 单片机型号: STC90C52RC 安装SDCC 简介 SDCC是什么?其实sdcc就是一个提供优化标准 C (ANSI C89, ISO C99, ISO C11) 的编译器套件。知道这么多已经够了,内部兼容多种单片机的编译。 在Mac使用包管理工具安装sdcc 192:~ ichabodcrane$ brew install
2023-04-13 16:41:35 76KB 51单片机 al c
U盘过滤驱动 The Wizard created the following files: Files that comprise your driver: readme.txt Contains information shown here. sys\Usbfilter.cpp Driver class implementation. sys\Usbfilter.h Driver class header file. sys\Usbfilter.inf INF file defines driver for plug and play installation. sys\Usbfilter.inf.txt Alternate INF file defines driver for plug and play installation. sys\UsbfilterDevice.cpp Device (UsbfilterDevice) implementation. sys\UsbfilterDevice.h Device (UsbfilterDevice) header file. sys\function.h Used by DriverWorks library to determine which handlers to provide. sys\Usbfilter.rc Shell for resource file (used for event messages, version resource) Files used by build utilities: sys\sources Used by BUILD program to determine what files comprise your driver. sys\makefile Used by BUILD program to build your driver. Files used by the Installation dll: UsbfilterDll.cpp This is the main DLL source file. UsbfilterDll.h This is the main DLL header file. UsbfilterInst.h Filter install class header file. UsbfilterInst.cpp Filter install class implementation. StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file.
2023-04-13 14:59:13 577KB 驱动 过滤 U盘 windows
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2023-04-13 10:22:45 50.39MB
Windows XP有的不带超级终端,呵呵,下载这个吧,绝对好用!
2023-04-13 09:12:50 12.44MB api windows 程序设计 MFC