2024-02-24 09:01:07 164KB 首发论文
Explore the current state of the production, processing, and manufacturing industries and discover what it will take to achieve re-industrialization of the former industrial powerhouses that can counterbalance the benefits of cheap labor providers dominating the industrial sector. This book explores the potential for the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and Smart Factory technologies to replace the still largely mechanical, people-based systems of offshore locations. Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things covers Industry 4.0, a term that encapsulates trends and technologies that could rewrite the rules of manufacturing and production. What You'll Learn: What are the Industrial Internet and Industrial Internet of Things Which technologies must advance to enable Industry 4.0 What is happening today to make that happen What are examples of the implementation of Industry 4.0 How to apply some of these case studies What is the potential to take back the lead in manufacturing, and the potential fallout that could result Who This Book is For: Business futurists, business strategists, CEOs and CTOs, and anyone with an interest and an IT or business background; or anyone who may have a keen interest in how the future of IT, industry and production will develop over the next two decades. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to the Industrial Internet Chapter 2: Industrial Internet Use-Cases Chapter 3: The Technical and Business Innovators of the Industrial Internet Chapter 4: IIoT Reference Architecture Chapter 5: Designing Industrial Internet Systems Chapter 6: Examining the Access Network Technology and Protocols Chapter 7: Examining the Middleware Transport Protocols Chapter 8: Middleware Software Patterns Chapter 9: Software Design Concepts Chapter 10: Middleware Industrial Internet of Things Platforms Chapter 11: IIoT WAN Technologies and Protocols Chapter 12: Securing the Industrial Internet Chapter 13: Introducing Industry 4.0 Chapter 14: Smart Factories Chapter 15: Getting From Here to There: A Roadmap
2023-02-20 23:30:17 5.95MB Industry 4.0 IoT
2022-12-07 15:23:24 12.24MB 综合文档
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行业应用框架 平台介绍: 这项服务致力于建立一套便捷的工业互联网开发基础设施,整合当前组件的高利用率,基本包装,以方便后续开发人员的使用为己任。 当前实现的功能如下: 访问MySQL关系数据库; 访问Redis非关系数据库; 访问时间序列数据库InfluxDB; 访问ActiveMQ消息队列; 访问MQTT协议消息EMQ; 访问SLF4J + logback日志管理; 访问WebSocket通信协议; 使用Swagger Framework可视化RESTful接口; 使用简介: 该系统以多模块的方式构建,并且所有相关组件都是一个独立的模块。 当需要创建Web服务时,只需在POM文件中引入您依赖的模块,然后将相应模块中的相关地址和帐户修改为正确的地址和帐户即可。 您可以通过调用模块中封装的API接口直接使用相应的组件。 系统架构图 演示图
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