Create and display interactive graphics, build scenes and animated transitions, make cross-platform, responsive games and applications for multiple screen resolutions, and use Pixi.js's spectacular WebGL rendering effects. Learn how to create applications for desktop and touch-screen devices, and how to use the best open-source plugins to extend Pixi.js's capabilities in a myriad of exciting ways. If you've ever wondered what you need to know to start making games, or what technology you need to build high-performance mobile apps, this book will show you the way. Learn Pixi.js is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know to quickly start making spectacular cross-platform interactive games and animations.
2024-06-13 10:54:13 5MB Learn Pixi.js pixi graphic
This book provides everything you need to create advanced charts and graphics in your .NET applications. It shows you how to create a variety of graphics and charts that range from simple two-dimensional (2D) X-Y plots to complicated three-dimensional (3D) surface graphs using managed C# code. The author introduces readers to the C# graphics program in a simple way - simple enough to be easily followed by C# beginners who have never had experience in developing C# graphics and chart applications. You can learn from this book how to create a full range of color graphics applications and how to use C# controls to create impressive graphic and chart effects without having to buy expensive third-party add-on products. Paperback: 572 pages Publisher: UniCAD, Inc. (March 15, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 097937250X ISBN-13: 978-0979372506
2023-12-24 05:05:35 3.24MB .NET Chart Graphic
Graphics View Framework 提供了一个强大且灵活的工具集,用于创建可交互的 2D 图形界面,并且支持丰富的图形操作和事件处理。无论是创建游戏、数据可视化还是绘制图表,Graphics View Framework 都能够满足各种需求。 通过使用 Graphics View Framework,你可以创建具有丰富交互性和定制性的 2D 图形界面。你可以在场景中添加、移动和删除图形项,并通过视图来查看和操作场景。Graphics View Framework 还提供了方便的方法来处理事件、选择图形项、执行动画、导出图形为图片等功能。你可以根据需要继承 QGraphicsItem 或 QGraphicsWidget 类来创建自定义的图形项。
2023-12-01 15:47:25 6KB
2023-10-18 18:23:03 27.31MB 图形 图像 编程 Graphic
2023-10-18 18:17:08 47.21MB 图形 图像 编程 Graphic
2023-10-18 18:03:23 47.21MB 图形 图像 编程 Graphic
C# Graphic 绘制圆、三角形、椭圆、图片 C# Graphic 绘制圆、三角形、椭圆、图片 C# Graphic 绘制圆、三角形、椭圆、图片 C# Graphic 绘制圆、三角形、椭圆、图片 C# Graphic 绘制圆、三角形、椭圆、图片
Cg(C for Graphics)是用于GPU编程的语言。 使用 cg 需要的头文件,和库文件 cg\cg.h, cg\cggl.h 执行附件的.exe后,会得到对应的.h文件,导入到对应工程里就行了
2022-10-15 09:11:22 16.88MB openGL CG(C for Graphic
是TC的针对DOS下的一个C语言图形库,如果要用的话应该用TC的编译器来编译,VC++环境有其它的针对windows的图形库。分为:像素函数、直线和线型函数、多边形函数、填充函数等。如果您需要在vc及vs环境中使用graphics.h的功能 您可以下载EasyX图形库,关于图形库的头文件下载
2022-06-24 08:49:06 237KB VS c/c++ 编程
实用c#图形编程指南 Practical C# Charts and Graphics
2022-04-12 13:26:40 3.42MB c# 图形 graphic