2023-12-15 15:57:30 2.6MB 《管家婆》辉煌7.2版
2023-10-28 09:40:28 3.4MB 管家婆辉煌 7.2版
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2022-10-21 10:24:52 2.62MB 管家婆 辉煌7.2版 全功能 完全
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2022-10-06 16:35:15 485KB 源码软件
《管家婆》辉煌版软件是"进销存财务管理一体化"的典范软件,帮助管理者全面管理商品帐、资金帐、往来帐、费用收入帐,了解每一分资金,每一件商品,每一个欠款,每一笔费用,每一份收入及盈亏的来龙去脉,随时自动生成资产负债表与损益表;并且充分考虑到中小企业规模不大,人手不足,缺乏足够的专职会计等特点,能够直接面对企业经理或老板(并非仅仅是会计),以智能化的操作做到懂生意就会管帐,满足老板能亲自参与管帐的心态,也可以让任何不懂会计、电脑的人无须专门培训完成管帐的职能。市场价:2800元 会员价:2460元 2、《管家婆》辉煌版定位 适用行业:百货、服装、鞋帽、汽配、家电、机电、化妆品、建材、化工、医药、计算机、图书等; 适用用户:私营企业、家族企业、夫妻店、批发店、没有专职会计的流通型中小企业等; 操作人员:可以是企业经理、会计、业务员或者老板授权的任何人。 3、《管家婆》辉煌版基本功能 1、有全面的财务管帐功能 企业财务管理至少应包括钱流帐(出纳及会计)和物流帐(商品进销存)两部分,而这两个部分必须统一在一起才是企业的真实情况。《管家婆》软件不仅管理单项的钱流帐和物流帐,而且将钱流帐与物流帐自动关联在一起,实现资金、应收、应付、库存、费用、利润的浑然联结。 2、操作"智能"化,简单易学,不需要用户有太多的专业知识。 3、强大的进销存业务管理能处理任何客观存在的商业事实 4、及时为业务部门提供财务依据 此版本已破解。 登陆超级用户无需密码 直接登陆!然后可以进入系统维护设置密码!
2022-03-09 09:23:33 2.31MB 管家婆 辉煌7.2版 全功能 完全
2021-06-06 00:39:14 502KB 极限反转 双币对冲
Information theory and inference, taught together in this exciting textbook, lie at the heart of many important areas of modern technology - communication, signal processing, data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition, computational neuroscience, bioinformatics and cryptography. The book introduces theory in tandem with applications. Information theory is taught alongside practical communication systems such as arithmetic coding for data compression and sparse-graph codes for error-correction. Inference techniques, including message-passing algorithms, Monte Carlo methods and variational approximations, are developed alongside applications to clustering, convolutional codes, independent component analysis, and neural networks. Uniquely, the book covers state-of-the-art error-correcting codes, including low-density-parity-check codes, turbo codes, and digital fountain codes - the twenty-first-century standards for satellite communications, disk drives, and data broadcast. Richly illustrated, filled with worked examples and over 400 exercises, some with detailed solutions, the book is ideal for self-learning, and for undergraduate or graduate courses. It also provides an unparalleled entry point for professionals in areas as diverse as computational biology, financial engineering and machine learning.
2019-12-21 22:14:18 18.84MB Information