2023-04-14 18:01:48 47KB 资料
本书把整个计算机科学划分成体系结构、软件、数据组织和机器的潜力四大部分,对这四部分以及相关领域的知识做出了贴近时代、深入浅出的介绍。广大读者通过这些介绍可以对计算机科学这一学科有一个全面的了解,同时还可以按照书中的指点对一些详细领域进行深入学习。本书还更新了前几版中的部分内\r\n\r\n容,使其更加贴近于计算机科学领域内的最新趋势。\r\n\r\n 本书专为学习计算机概论的本科生设计,同时对于专门从事计算机工作的工程人员以及计算机用户等也是一本很好的基础性参考读物
2023-02-20 15:39:50 11.85MB 计算机科学概论
计算机学概论 计算机专业入门必读书籍 中英文版 带标签 推荐阅读英文版,中文版作为翻译参考
2022-10-10 23:01:20 38.3MB 计算机概论 布鲁克希尔
2022-06-11 13:01:17 66.17MB 高教类课件
计算机科学概论 第5章 数据结构与算法.ppt
2022-05-27 14:07:43 2.36MB 文档资料
2022-04-26 11:52:14 32.62MB 计算机科学
2022-01-06 11:07:12 741KB
2021-12-16 08:35:30 462KB 课后答案
本书高清,非扫描。by Dennis Brylow, Glenn Brookshear For the Introduction to Computer Science course Computer Science: An Overview uses broad coverage and clear exposition to present a complete picture of the dynamic computer science field. Accessible to students from all backgrounds, Glenn Brookshear uses a language-independent context to encourage the development of a practical, realistic understanding of the field. An overview of each of the important areas of Computer Science provides students with a general level of proficiency for future courses. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. It will help: *Develop a Practical, Realistic Understanding of Computer Science: A language-independent overview of each of the important areas of Computer Science prepares students for future courses. *Fit your Course Preferences: Individual chapters are independent and can be covered in an order that suits your course. *Reinforce Core Concepts: More than 1000 Questions and Exercises, Chapter Review Problems, and Social Issues questions give students the opportunity to apply concepts.
2021-12-15 18:26:18 31.6MB cs 计算机基础
计算机科学概论11+12,买一赠一,全面而细致地介绍了计算机科学的各个方面。每章后面都附带有大量的练习, 如喜欢本书,请支持购买正版。