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WPViewPDF is a powerful pdf viewer control which allows you to view and print PDF data. The data can be loaded from memory, file or stream. As "PLUS" edition it can be used to merge PDF files into a new, single file. You can extract PDF pages or delete pages. It is also possible to add vector and text graphic to PDF files (stamping). Unlike many competing products WPViewPDF displays even large PDF files instantly. This component has been developed as a window class which makes it compatible to most Windows based development systems. Out of the box it can be used as ActiveX (OCX), in .NET development environments (i.e. Visual Studio 2010) and as VCL in Delphi and C++Builder. You can download a demo which includes the component as .NET, Delphi and ActiveX component and a small example application. The source for the components (C# and Pascal) is included as well. It also includes an executable demo. The new Version 3 is the result of extensive work. We completely re-thought the logic which is require to load, render and manipulate PDF data to create this new version. It makes use of clever and effective caching for quick response times. It also makes use of multithreading for better user interaction. We revised the PrintHDC method - printing to any windows device should be now much easier to do than before and produce higher quality. The multithreaded scrolling viewer can change quickly change between zoom states and various layout modes, including multi column display and side by side page layout. It can also display a separate thumbnail view to the PDF. Unlike version 1 and 2 the new version 3 uses floating point numbers for graphic output which offers better print results for many PDF files. Despite the higher text rendering quality, printing will be faster since less data has to be transferred to the printer. Version 3 PLUS introduce a new stamping method which also it to place objects or highlighting rectangles on the page. This objects
2021-09-29 17:51:31 9.6MB WPViewPDF