基于Oracle Spatial和SVG的空间信息发布研究.pdf
2021-10-18 20:07:10 182KB Oracle 数据库 关系型数据库 参考文献
基于Oracle Spatial的空间数据索引.pdf
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基于Oracle 9i Spatial的海量空间影像数据管理.pdf
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基于Oracle Spatial空间数据共享系统设计.pdf
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基于Oracle Spatial的WEBGIS数据模型构造.pdf
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基于Oracle Spatial的WebGIS解决方案.pdf
2021-10-18 20:07:01 167KB Oracle 数据库 关系型数据库 参考文献
matlab自相关代码计量经济学_空间分析 该文件夹用于计量经济学中的空间分析,这些文件: Moran.m是实现Moran测试的Matlab代码。 有关此空间相关性测试的更多信息,请访问:或 NB-Bayesian-CAR-Model-Gibbs.odc是一个WinBUGS代码,使用Gibbs采样(一种MCMC方法)实现了负二项式汽车模型。 有关此模型的更多信息,请访问:或
2021-10-14 10:40:20 12KB 系统开源
树 用javascript编写的Bounding Volume Hierarchy数据结构,用于大三角形网格的空间索引。 使光线与三角形网格快速相交。 演示版 用法 从三角形列表构造BVH var triangle0 = [ { x : 0.0 , y : 0.0 , z : 0.0 } , { x : 1000.0 , y : 0.0 , z : 0.0 } , { x : 1000.0 , y : 1000.0 , z : 0.0 } ] ; var triangle1 = [ { x : 0.0 , y : 0.0 , z : 0.0 } , { x : 2000.0 , y : 0.0 , z : 0.0 } , { x : 2000.0 , y : 1000.0 , z : 0.0 } ] ; // the maximum number of tria
2021-10-12 19:34:13 1.6MB spatial bvh rays raycasting
Spatial Statistics provides a comprehensive guide to the analysis of spatial data. Each chapter covers a particular data format and the associated class of problems, introducing theory, giving computational suggestions, and providing examples. Methods are illustrated by computer-drawn figures. The book serves as an introduction to this rapidly growing research area for mathematicians and statisticians, and as a reference to new computer methods for researchers in ecology, geology, archaeology, and the earth sciences. Presents the first comprehensive guide to the analysis of spatial data. Each chapter covers a particular data format and the associated class of problems, introducing theory, giving computational suggestions, and providing examples. Methods are illustrated by computer-drawn figures. Serves as an introduction to this rapidly growing research area for mathematicians and statisticians, and as a reference to new computer methods for research workers in ecology, geology, archeology, and the earth sciences.
2021-10-07 11:04:49 9.24MB 空间统计 Spatial Statistics
Real Time Cross Online Matching in Spatial Crowdsourcing论文
2021-09-29 16:08:51 642KB ICDE 论文