2021-08-22 20:01:43 1.03MB 苹果CMS模板 苹果CMSV10模板 大橙模板
Decalicious is here to satisfy all your longings for fancy Deferred Decals! Deferred Decals: Modify albedo, normals, specular, smoothness and emission for a plethora of effects Full Lighting & Reflections: Thanks to Deferred Rendering, full lighting and reflections come cheap Dynamic Transform: Decals can be dynamically spawned, moved, rotated and scaled, and are batched and culled for maximum performance Limit Decal to Game Object: Choose whether a Decal should be drawn on every surface in its bounds, or be restricted to a specific GameObject's surfaces. Works with Terrain: Add detail to your terrain or use decals to get rid of those hard mesh-terrain edges Editor Placement Utility: The Decalicious Utility helps you place decals quickly in the Unity Editor Unlit Decals: In additional, Decalicious supports unlit decals for world markers, UI and effects Deferred Rendering is required for deferred decals to work, obviously. Decalicious is a brand-new system and is actively developed and tested in our own titles. Check out the Roadmap to see what's up next. The price will be adjusted as more features are added.
2021-08-20 01:37:26 121B unity unity3d
2021-08-20 01:01:18 97KB 课件
2021-08-18 11:40:46 1.09MB javascript easyui 源代码 未压缩
SG-UAP_V1.5应用常见问题解答汇总 SG-UAP_V1.5应用常见问题解答汇总
2021-08-17 14:46:00 22.62MB 常见问题
自由棋王QQ象棋助手1.5破解版 经过测试。比1.6好用。
2021-08-16 17:25:16 3.29MB 自由棋王QQ象棋助手 1.5 破解版
RJM8L151 库函数使用说明书 RJM8L151_StdLib_V1.5
2021-08-16 14:05:51 504KB RJM8L151
本项目拟在xxx公司建造1.5MW/12MWh削峰填谷储能项目工程,项目配置6台电池集装箱(每台集装箱容量2MWh),每台电池集装箱配置一台250kW PCS,PCS出线经2000kVA箱变后接入至10kV开关柜,开关柜出线接入厂区10kV电网完成并网。
2021-08-15 18:11:55 10.2MB 储能 新能源
安卓应用-生活服务-广货宝司机官方客户端 v1.5 安卓版.zip
2021-08-15 01:42:07 10.52MB 安卓应用-生活服务-广货宝司机官
2021-08-14 11:19:35 2.71MB 1.5未见