A First Introduction to Quantum Computing and Information 2018
2022-12-01 06:58:38 3.01MB Quantum  Computing  Information
Information theory answers two fundamental questions in communication theory: What is the ultimate data compression (answer: the entropy H), and what is the ultimate transmission rate of communication (answer: the channel capacity C). For this reason some consider information theory to be a subset of communication theory. We argue that it is much more. Indeed, it has fundamental contributions to make in statistical physics (thermodynamics), computer science (Kolmogorov complexity or algorithmic complexity), statistical inference (Occam’s Razor: “The simplest explanation is best”), and to probability and statistics (error exponents for optimal hypothesis testing and estimation)
2022-11-30 22:21:53 3.92MB Element of Information Theory
数据库大作业/家庭保健信息系统/Home-Healthcare Information System/This assignment is to perform the logic design of an information system. It involves the construction of a DFD, an ER diagram, mapping to the relational schema, and the normalization of the resulting relational schema. The necessary information for schema design is given in the.Universe of Discourse (UoD).This assignment can be completed as a group. The maximum size of a group is three people.Each group is allowed to submit only one file. For any student whose name appears within two or more groups, the result will be whichever is the lowest.
2022-11-08 11:13:37 861KB 数据库 大作业 家庭保健 信息系统
剑桥大学-信息检索教材-英文-Introduction to Information Retrieval
2022-10-25 11:19:29 5.49MB 信息检索
修剪后的依赖树上的图卷积用于关系提取 此回购包含PyTorch代码,用于修剪。 本文/代码在修剪的依赖树上引入了图卷积神经网络(GCN),用于关系提取的任务。 还引入了一种特殊的树修剪技术,称为“以路径为中心的修剪”,以从树中消除不相关的信息,同时最大程度地维护相关信息。 与诸如各种基于LSTM的模型之类的序列模型相比,此GCN模型利用依赖结构桥接远程单词,因此提高了远程关系的性能。 与以前的递归模型(如TreeLSTM)相比,此GCN模型在获得更好的性能的同时,也更早地实现了并行化,因此效率更高。 参见下面的模型架构概述: 要求 Python 3(在3.6.5上测试) PyTorch(
elements of information theory
2022-10-21 22:06:52 10.12MB
TS3310 Tape Library Maintenance Information
2022-10-19 18:00:22 11.35MB IBMTS3310
我用的系统式windows XP精简版,没有IIS组件,需要自己装,网上找了很多都装不了。我找的这个可以直接安装,很方便Internet Information Server 5.1
2022-10-07 15:43:26 11.53MB Internet Information Server 5.1
哈工大计算机研究生 信息检索课件 IR 介绍信息检索的技术,包括Google的MapReduce技术
2022-10-06 13:25:03 10.31MB 信息检索 课件 IR information