单层感知器神经网络matlab代码感知器 用于MATLAB的带有反向误差传播学习方法的人工神经网络类。 sigmod传递函数。 这种实现是简单而有效的。 与许多其他针对单个神经元具有单独类的多余实现不同,此代码基于矩阵代数,因为神经元层本质上是矢量,轴突权重不过是矩阵。 人工神经网络的矩阵表示法使所有方法和计算都变得优雅而高效,而计算成本却更低。 缺少许多多余的参数可提供用户友好的体验。 ##方法 PERCEPTRON(layers_vector)-创建具有指定数量的神经元的PERCEPTRON实例。 图层矢量可能类似于以下[10,12,12,12,5]。 具有上述层向量的网络将具有10个输入传感器神经元,三层关联神经元,每个神经元具有12个神经元和5个输出神经元。 forward(obj,input_col_vector)-从输入到输出的正向计算方法 backprop(obj,input,desirable_output,eta)-单一样本反向误差传播方法。 参数“ eta”控制收敛速度,通常为0 <eta <1。典型值eta = 0.001。
2021-11-13 19:26:42 2KB 系统开源
2021-11-13 16:01:39 16.35MB
2021-11-13 12:08:28 2.39MB 直播 视频 数据处理 参考文献
2021-11-13 11:01:25 888KB
2021-11-12 14:34:23 392KB 传染病 模型
论文研究-突发事件的网络情绪传播机制及仿真研究.pdf,  互联网快速发展及其应用的日益普及, 给突发事件的应急管理带来许多新的挑战. 在网络空间, 突发事件的信息传播 往往伴随着强烈的情绪传播, 极易引发网民的群体情绪, 并由此可能导致极端和对立行为以及群体性事件等严重的次生社会问题. 论文从信息传播所引发的网民群体情绪传播及其群体行为出发, 研究了突发事件网络信息传播过程中网民群体的情绪传播机制,提出了突发事件中网民群体间的情绪传播模型, 并以著名社会特大事件为例进行了仿真分析. 实验结果表明, 上述模型能够较准确地反映突发事件信息传播过程中的网民群体情绪传播特征及其演化规律.
2021-11-11 19:57:13 1.25MB 论文研究
2021-11-11 18:02:21 213KB 计算机
图形图像处理在媒介传播中的应用研究 (1).pdf
使用分步傅立叶方法进行脉冲演化仿真。 基于Robert Boyd的非线性光学和Govind Agrawal的非线性光纤理论。
2021-11-11 10:40:25 2KB matlab
无线通信类不错的学习材料 This book has grown out of my teaching and research at the University of Surrey and out of my previous experiences in companies such as Philips, Ascom and Motorola. It is primarily intended for use by students in master’s level and enhanced final-year undergraduate courses who are specialising in communication systems and wish to understand the principles and current practices of the wireless communication channel, including both antenna and propagation aspects. I have therefore included examples and problems in each chapter to reinforce the material described and to show how they are applied in specific situations. Additionally, much of the material has been used as parts of short courses run for many of the leading industrial companies in the field, so I hope that it may also be of interest to those who have a professional interest in the subject. Although there are several excellent books which cover portions of this material and which go deeper in some areas, my main motivation has been to create a book which covers the range of disciplines, from electromagnetics to statistics, which are necessary in order to understand the implications of the wireless channel on system performance. I have also attempted to bring together reference material which is useful in this field into a single, accessible volume, including a few previously unpublished research results.
2021-11-11 07:15:50 13.72MB 无线通信 传播