The STM32F10x Standard Peripherals Library is a complete package, consisting of device drivers for all of the standard device peripherals, for STM32 Value line(High, Medium and Low), Connectivity line, XL-, High-, Medium- and Low- Density Devices 32-bit Flash microcontrollers.
2023-02-21 10:56:47 18.74MB STM32 编译
2023-02-21 10:00:10 11.68MB stm32f407
非常威猛的官方固件UPDATE.APP解包打包工具(转自XDA论坛) Huawei Update Extractor After messing around a bit with the perl tools available for extracting Huawei files, i got the idea to create an own (windows) tool. Requirements .Net Framework 3.5 Install Extract the content of the zip to a folder somewhere on your system. Execute HuaweiUpdateExtractor.exe I'm planning to create an installer sometime. Usage Press the browse (...) button and select an file. Select a device or unknown and press on the open button. You'll see the content of the file in the listview. Select one or more files and right click. Choose Extract selected from the context menu. Choose the ouput folder and press ok. Or just right click on the list and select Extract all, choose the output folder again and press ok. Press close on the extract window. You can sort the list on sequence, filename and size. Just press on the desired column header. Command line: HuaweiUpdateExtractor extract input output [profile] HuaweiUpdateExtractor repack input output profile Profile The profiles.xml file is used to identify the files in the file. Every file in the has a sequence or type, which is also shown in the list. Those sequences or types are used to identify the file/device partition. Example: system.img recovery.img baseband.img version.txt splash.raw565 boot.img cust.img userdata.img signature crc system.img cache.img cust.img userdata.img modemimage.img boot.img recovery.img signature crc - Root tag of the xml file. - Identifies a device - attribute name: name of the device - attribute author: author of the device - File root tag - Identifies a file - attribute sequence: sequence of the file in - attribute type: type of the file in the - attribute partition: destination partition on the device - attribute signature: used to identify the signature file - attribute checksum: used to identify the checksum file - value: file name You can add or edit devices. If you want them to integrate in newer version, pm 'em to me. I'm gonna make some auto update for the device file somewhere in the future Roadmap - You tell me ... Credits ZeBadger ( for figuring out the file headers S34Qu4K3 for the P6 partition layout ngamyarthar for adding ALOT of devices! Changelog
2023-02-21 04:06:13 702KB 华为 官方 固件 UPDATE
wdr7500v3改V5编程固件, 大家可以试试。大家可以试试。
2023-02-20 23:13:50 8MB wdr7500
esp8266_tool,这包含esp8266固件下载工具和应用程序编写工具 NodeMCU.rar 用于下载nodeMCU固件,自动匹配串口,非常方便。 官方下载工具。 用于编写lua应用程序。 用于编写C应用程序。 esp8266_package_3.0.2_arduinocn.exe 这是arduino开发时要用的8266sdk库。
2023-02-20 20:52:59 184.04MB esp8266 嵌入式 wifi继电器
blf-固件 基于 ATtiny13A 的手电筒驱动程序固件 描述在这里找到 执照: 特此免费授予获得此软件副本的任何人使用、复制、修改、分发、再许可和/或出售该软件的副本的许可,并允许向其提供该软件的人进行所以。 该软件“按原样”提供,不提供任何形式的明示或暗示的保证。
2023-02-20 11:40:20 48KB C
飞塔30D防火墙 V5固件 FGT_30D-v5-build1486-FORTINET
2023-02-19 17:49:04 26.75MB fortiner
华为OLT设备MA5600系统设备固件 V800R018C10SPH220_SCUN_for_Carrier_China
2023-02-18 20:58:04 926.43MB OLT系统 MA5600 华为OLT系统
行动OpenWrt 使用GitHub Actions构建OpenWrt 用法 单击按钮创建一个新的存储库。 使用源代码生成.config文件。 (您可以通过工作流文件中的环境变量来更改它。) 将.config文件推送到GitHub存储库。 在“操作”页面上选择“ Build OpenWrt ”。 单击Run workflow按钮。 构建完成后,单击“操作”页面右上角的Artifacts按钮以下载二进制文件。 尖端 创建.config文件和构建OpenWrt固件可能需要很长时间。 因此,在创建存储库以构建自己的固件之前,您可以通过来检查其他人是否已经构建了满足您需要 。 将您所构建固件的一些元信息(例如固件体系结构和已安装的软件包)添加到存储库简介中,这将节省其他人的时间。 致谢 执照 :copyright:P3TERX
2023-02-18 19:39:35 8KB Shell