2021-10-15 12:17:35 880KB iso14443 RFID MIFARE
mifare卡 desfire卡 cpu卡 应用开发手册,对于开发这样的射频模块还是蛮有帮助的,有需要的取
2021-10-15 00:06:25 795KB mifare卡 desfire卡 cpu卡 应用开发手册
Mifare Classic Tool(MCT)2.2.3 中文版 无广告、无病毒
2021-09-26 16:53:13 740KB MIFARE Classic T
MIFARE classic card recovery tools
2021-09-22 18:48:46 623KB MIFARE
一款用来读取、写入、分析Mifare Classic RFID卡片的Android NFC应用。
2021-09-17 09:14:05 998KB M1卡 UID
基于AT89C52单片机 + RC500 Mifare 读卡器电路设计资料 包含原理图PCB及源代码
2021-08-28 18:06:00 690KB AT89C52
The MicroRWD MF LP (Low Power) module is a complete read and write solution for 13.56 MHz Mifare Classic cards (1k, 4k and Ultralight versions) and supports “Mifare” contactless operations to dual-interface cards such as Mifare ProX, Smart MX (JCOP) and other types. DESfire and Mifare PLUS cards are supported for serial number acquisition only. The solution is entirely housed within a 24-pin DIL package and only needs an antenna connected and a 5v DC supply to be a fully featured ISO14443A Mifare read/write system. The MicroRWD MF LP version behaves in the same manner as the standard reader except that it has an active, average current consumption of less than 150µµµ µA (micro Amps) with 1 second polling rate. As on other RWD modules, all commands and data response are via a simple TTL level RS232 interface. In addition, the RWD MF LP version has auxiliary data outputs on the OP0 / OP1 pins that can be programmed to automatically output UID (serial number) or other block data as asynchronous 9600 baud serial or Wiegand protocol Data High / Data Low signals. All these features can be configured and turned ON/OFF by setting RWD EEPROM parameters. The diagram below shows the pin out configuration for the MicroRWD MF LP module
2021-08-23 21:47:24 342KB mifare 卡片 种类 回应
DESFire(准CPU卡) vs Mifare Classic之间的联系及区别
2021-08-23 21:45:33 76KB DESFire Mifare
M1卡设计规范 Sector Block 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0应用标识目录区 0-0 唯一代码(CSN) 1-1 00 01 10 03 03 03 06 07 08 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 2-2 3-3 KeyA0(读) Access KeyB0(写) 1发行区 0-4 城市代码 行业代码 发行流水号 卡认证码 启用标识 卡类 密钥版本 校验 1-5 发行日期 有效日期 启用日期 卡押金 保留 校验 2-6 充值时间年月日时 原额1 本次加款值 操作员号 校验 3-7 KeyA1(读) Access Bit KeyB1(写) 2公共钱包区 0-8 累计加款值 余额 充值设备号 保留 校验 1-9 钱包 钱包 钱包 校验 2-10 钱包备份 钱包备份 钱包备份 校验 3-11 KeyA2(读/减) Access Bit KeyB2(加/写) 3钱包交易记录区A 0-12 交易时间日/时/分/秒交易记录1 原额 交易金额 交易类型 机具号
2021-08-23 21:44:14 2.11MB MIFARE