Step 1: Format a FAT32 partition , (Make sure no file or directory)
Step 2: Run "Leopard HD install helper" and select a ISO file.
Step 3: Select target partition and Click "Start" Button.
Step 4: When its done . reboot.
Now , you can install leopard from HD.
黑苹果必用--leopard写入硬盘系统文件,用Leopard 硬盘安装助手给硬盘写入MAC OS的时候出现 not a HFS partition
C,系统自带分区后一个10G一个30G 10G的盘符格式为FAT32 磁盘标识已用DiskGenius修改为AF ,但是用助手写入10G硬盘时出现以下内容,求各位高手给支个招谢谢。
Image file: not a HFS partition
All done, have fun!