Packet Tracer 是由Cisco公司发布的一个辅助学习工具
2021-02-27 21:02:04 216KB Chinese PacketTracer
Packet Tracer中文版,仅用于学习用途!Packet Tracer中文版,仅用于学习用途!Packet Tracer中文版,仅用于学习用途!
2021-01-28 03:25:28 89.4MB 计算机网络 路由管理
本项目要求建立校园网络,覆盖教学楼、实验楼、科教楼、图书馆、男生宿舍、女生宿舍和行政楼 6栋建筑。网络构建校园内部INTRANET,并能够接入CERNET和CHINANET。实现多媒体教学、教学管理、办公自动化、远程教育、因特网连接等功能。附带pkt文件,文档完整可直接用
发错了 以下内容摘录 如何在CSDN中免费下载资料 下载积分攻略: 1. 个人设置里进行手机绑定CSDN账户 奖励50分 (右上角设置-账户安全-手机绑定) 2. 完成任务送若干分积分 3. 上传有效资源获取积分(上传非法,广告资源用户,将被扣除一定积分,严重者封号)。 · 上传自己设分资源被下载,下载量×资源分,100分封顶。 · 上传0分资源被下载,下载量×系统奖励1分,100封顶 4. 评论资源获取积分(所下载资源只可以评论一次,请真实有效评论) · 对待评论资源进行评分,评分后系统自动返还1分。 · 对待评论资源进行评论,评论真实有效,审核通过后返还下载时所消耗的积分。 5. 成为VIP会员 6. 论坛可用分可以兑换下载分:论坛可用分:下载资源分 = 5:1,兑换地址: 7. 举报违规资源,管理员确认后奖励20下载积分。 详见: ———————————————— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「hx1783942647」的原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:
2021-01-28 03:16:52 165.85MB 思科 网络通信
Packet Tracer 7.2.1 for Windows 32 bit 模拟器,32位版本。
2021-01-28 02:37:32 184.41MB cisco 模拟器
CiscoPacketTracer去登录补丁,已测试7.2版本可正常使用,程度必须为32位版本。建议配合 7.22 汉化中文语言包一起使用!
2021-01-28 02:37:12 233KB Packet Tracer 去登录
思科模拟器Cisco Packet Tracer7.2.2 x32 Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 new features Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 removes the Java dependence and makes it easier to use Packet Tracer Skills Assessment (PTSA) and Packet Tracer Media Objects (PTMO) : After installing Packet Tracer 7.2.2, PTSA and PTMO can be used without installing the Java runtime environment. Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 can be used with current courses that have PTSA/PTMO. The Packet Tracer Skillls Assessment measure student performance and knowledge of networking concepts using Packet Tracer 7.2.2 simulation capabilities. The online Packet Tracer Skills Assessment environment presents complex network configuration tasks, scores the exams, and provides detailed feedback that supports learning and evaluation of student performance. Packet Tracer Media Objects are Packet Tracer activities that can act as an interactive media object for multiple choices, drag and drop, and fill in the blank questions. Stidents can performconfiguration review or config tasks in the PTMO activity before answering the exam question. Older version of Packet Tracer can still be used using the traditional ways to take PTSA and PTMO (with Java plugin installed).
2021-01-28 02:37:05 109.42MB Cisco Packet Tra
思科模拟器Cisco Packet Tracer7.2.2 x64 Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 new features Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 removes the Java dependence and makes it easier to use Packet Tracer Skills Assessment (PTSA) and Packet Tracer Media Objects (PTMO) : After installing Packet Tracer 7.2.2, PTSA and PTMO can be used without installing the Java runtime environment. Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 can be used with current courses that have PTSA/PTMO. The Packet Tracer Skillls Assessment measure student performance and knowledge of networking concepts using Packet Tracer 7.2.2 simulation capabilities. The online Packet Tracer Skills Assessment environment presents complex network configuration tasks, scores the exams, and provides detailed feedback that supports learning and evaluation of student performance. Packet Tracer Media Objects are Packet Tracer activities that can act as an interactive media object for multiple choices, drag and drop, and fill in the blank questions. Stidents can performconfiguration review or config tasks in the PTMO activity before answering the exam question. Older version of Packet Tracer can still be used using the traditional ways to take PTSA and PTMO (with Java plugin installed).
2021-01-28 02:37:05 117.35MB Cisco Packet Tra