北邮微波期中课设 matlab实现smith圆图
2019-12-21 18:58:26 1.67MB matlab smith圆图 图形界面 微波期中
原作者 Prof. F. Dellsperger 的网站 : http://www.fritz.dellsperger.net/Downloads/ Setup Smith V3.10.zip http://www.fritz.dellsperger.net/Downloads/Setup Smith V3.10.zip 如果您只需要一个授权文件, 本下载档里面有。 Smith V3.10 *************** Overview The software is divided in two parts: 1. Smith-Chart Diagram Features:  Matching ladder networks with capacitors, inductors, resistors, serie RLC, parallel RLC, transformers, serie lines and open or shorted stubs  Free settable normalisation impedance for the Smith chart  Circles and contours for stability, noise figure, gain, VSWR and Q  Edit element values after insertion  Import datapoints from S-parameter files  Undo- und Redo-Function  Save and load designs  Save netlist  Print Smith chart, schematic and comments  Copy to clipboard for documentation purposes  Set colors for Smith chart 2. S-Plot Features:  Read S-Parameter - Files in Touchstone® - Format  Graphical display of s11, s12, s21 and s22  Graphical display and listing of MAG (maximum operating power gain) and MSG (maximum stable gain)  Convert and export S-Parameter to normalized or unnormalized H-, Z-, Y- or A-Parameters in Touchstone ® - Format files.  Export s11 or s22 to Smith-Chart  Print all graphics or listings System requirements: Windows
2012-05-31 00:00:00 6.36MB 史密斯圆图 Smith V3.10 完全