Fundamentals of Electric Circuits.pdf
2021-04-21 09:03:22 2.33MB 电路基础
2021-04-20 20:00:27 4.01MB c#3D 3d模型 简单3D模型
本标准涵盖根据国家电气规范ANSI / NFPA 70使用的额定电压为250 V或以下的带电缆连接的电动扫雪车。 本标准还包括本标准附录SA电池供电的园艺设备中规定的电池驱动的扫雪车。
2021-04-17 18:02:54 23.65MB ul 1090 电动除雪机 Mover
EPLAN Electric 2.9 1.55G
2021-04-14 15:01:51 113B EPLAN
2021-04-10 09:02:49 24.67MB ul 2594 电动汽车 充电
最新完整英文版UL 1447:2020 Standard for Electric Lawn Mowers(电动割草机标准)。 本标准涵盖根据ANSI / NFPA 70使用的额定电压为250伏或以下的带电缆连接的电动割草机,还包括电池供电的割草机,电池供电的割草机在本标准的补充条款中有所规定。 1.3这些要求不包括ANSI / NFPA 70中定义的在危险场所使用的设备。不适用于闷热型割草机,园林拖拉机或其附件,梿状割草机,镰刀割草机,机器人割草机或打算用于商业用途的割草机。
2021-04-07 09:05:03 20.76MB ul 1447 割草机 mower
2021-04-04 18:06:11 133KB SAE_J2464-1999_E
Unsupervised Electric Motor Fault Detection by Using Deep Autoencoders Emanuele Principi
Short-Term Electric Load and Price Forecasting Using Enhanced Extreme Learning Machine Optimization in Smart Grids Aqdas Naz
2021-03-31 15:21:23 2.89MB Short-Term Electric Price Forecasting
Mohan's electric machines and drives is part of a three-book series designed for the power sequence electives on electrical engineering. The book focuses on power topics including advances in hybrid-electric cars and alternative energy systems, coupled with severe environmental problems associated with hydrocarbon-based fuels. The text builds off mohan's successful mnpere titles and adopts a systems approach.
2021-03-31 10:10:36 4.9MB Ned Mohan drives