Java EE基础实用教程(电子教案+源程序) 郑阿奇著
2022-03-14 16:59:39 11.21MB Java 郑阿奇
2022-03-12 16:19:44 118.7MB EE
毕业设计网上书店jsp源码 -ee-JavaSSM- 新星网上书店的设计与实现毕业论文+开题报告+JavaSSM源码+数据库文件 ​下载地址: 摘 要 随着网络技术的发展、计算机应用水平的提高的扩大,原来系统的时效性、数据的正确性、操作的方便性上都存在不足,已影响到系统的正常使用。经过考察比较,决定利用自己的力量对智能化图书查询系统重新设计,使系统能利用软件开发技术的成果,方便图书的管理。 智能化图书查询系统是典型的信息管理系统,本文系统地介绍了智能化图书查询系统开发所需要用到的技术,和设计中遇到的问题及解决方法以及提高当前应用程序的工作性能。利用各种面向对象的开发工具,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用完整的可行系统。 本次毕业设计利用MyEclipse开发工具和MYSQL数据库来开发这个智能化图书查询系统,使用SSM结构框架,用到了JSP、javascrip等前端技术,该系统要解决提高图书管理效率的问题以及为顾客与读者提供便利的图书检索方式,可以满足图书管理基本要求,包括添加、管理、查询、推荐等功能。该系统能根据用户的需求,快
2022-03-04 22:29:45 3KB 系统开源
基于Java EE糖果KTV的点歌系统的实现与开发 毕业设计源码,完美运行
2022-02-27 20:12:42 29.75MB Java EE KTV点歌 系统
java ee tool 202112
2022-02-25 14:06:46 501.33MB java-ee java
The second edition continues to represent a first course in optoelectronic materials and devices suitable for a half- or one-semester course at the undergraduate level either at the thirdor fourth-year level in electrical engineering, engineering physics, and materials science and engineering departments. With its additional topics, it can also be used as an introductory textbook at the graduate level. Normally the students would not have covered Maxwell’s equations. Although Maxwell’s equations are mentioned in the text to alert the student, they are not used in developing the principles. It is assumed that the students would have taken a basic first- or second-year physics course, with modern physics, and would have seen rudimentary concepts in geometrical optics, interference, and diffraction, but not Fresnel’s equations and concepts such as group velocity and group index. Typically an optoelectronics course would be given either after a semiconductor devices course or concurrently with it. Students would have been exposed to elementary quantum mechanics concepts, perhaps in conjunction with a basic semiconductor science course.
2022-02-24 06:37:17 29.4MB EE
详细介绍了封装的尺寸 值得收藏◆ Product Description ・13.5×13.5mm Max.(L×W),10.6mm Max. Height. ・In addition to the typical parameters shown here, custom designs are available. ◆ Feature ・Ideally used in set-top box ,FAX/MODEM and other related equipment. ・RoHS Compliance.
2022-02-21 20:04:32 146KB EE 骨架
2022-02-16 19:02:20 228.11MB java 面试 java-ee 开发语言
CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/`supermarketmanagerdb` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */; USE `supermarketmanagerdb`; /*Table structure for table `sm_goods` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sm_goods`; CREATE TABLE `sm_goods` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `inventory_quantity` int(11) NOT NULL, `last_purchasing_price` float NOT NULL, `min_num` int(11) NOT NULL, `model` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `producer` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
2022-02-14 09:06:16 58.53MB java-ee 数据库 sql java
2022-02-09 10:43:24 1.27MB jdbc mvc 考试