\SOFTWARE The main directory from the root where all software-related files are placed. \SOFTWARE\BLOCKS The main directory where all ‘Building Blocks’ are located. With μC/OS-II, I included a ‘building block’ that handles DOS-type compatible functions that are used by the example code. \SOFTWARE\BLOCKS\TO This directory contains the files for the TO utility (see Appendix E, TO). The source file is TO.C and is found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\SOURCE directory. The DOS executable file (TO.EXE) is found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\EXE directory. Note that TO requires a file called TO.TBL which must reside on your root directory. An example of TO.TBL is also found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\EXE directory. You will need to move TO.TBL to the root directory if you are to use TO.EXE. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II The main directory where all μC/OS-II files are located. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX1_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #1 (see section 1.07, Example #1) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX2_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #2 (see section 1.08, Example #2) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX3_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #3 (see section 1.09, Example #3) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\Ix86L This directory contains the source code for the processor dependent code (a.k.a. the port) of μC/OS-II for an 80x86 Real-Mode, Large Model processor. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE This directory contains the source code for processor independent portion of μC/OS-II. This code is fully portable to other processor architectures.
2022-01-05 20:19:45 371KB uCOS-II源代码
2022-01-04 17:45:44 9MB uCOS
ucosii 源码V2.86,针对stm32f103, 下载后直接运行,选择解压即可。包含ucos官方的全部文件及stm32f103相关代码文件。
2021-12-30 08:22:10 5.57MB ucos ii stm32 stm32f103
2021-12-29 11:10:03 19.56MB STM32F107 UC/OS-II
将uC/OS-II成功移植到Visual Studio 开发环境下,便于开发调试.
2021-12-27 17:19:34 98KB uC/OS-II uC/OS uCOS-II uCOS
本版uCOS_51是基于第二版不足之处作出修订,主要涉及规范化整个工程代码、重新实现串口驱动、添加Source Insight工程等。
2021-12-17 19:14:27 3.79MB uCOS 51
初探uCOS-II 适合初学者,通俗易懂
2021-12-16 10:38:02 255KB uCOS-II 嵌入式
uC/OS-II改为基于兼容优先级抢占调度与时间片轮转调度. 保证了系统原有的实时性,又对于分时任务提供了时间片轮转调度.
2021-12-15 23:48:55 72KB uC/OS-II uC/OS uCOS-II uCOS