2023-03-02 07:54:31 141KB EMI滤波器
2023-03-01 17:10:14 12.58MB 电磁兼容
丰田 EMC 标准,有需要的朋友可以下载。
2023-02-28 11:57:55 4.19MB 丰田 EMC 标准
所有的 DC-DC 开关转换器由于要尽量提高开关频率和传送功率,都会产生潜在的干扰信号,在输入端的传导噪声,会以差模或共模形式出现。差模噪声是当电流通过输入导体的基频及其谐波时产生的,通常都处于低频的。共模噪声大多是高频的,于转换器的输入导体及地线中间形成。同样地,开关 DC-DC 转换器会于输出端产生噪声以及纹波。适当的设计和设置 EMI 滤波会将噪声减少至可接受程度。
2023-02-24 16:19:04 185KB EMC|EMI
2023-02-24 16:14:09 138KB EMC|EMI
电磁干扰(EMI)始终是开关电源(AC/DC和DC/DC转换器)的潜在问题。如今的电源有很好的电磁发射和抗干扰的能力。但为了满足特定的应用要求,仍要有正确的滤波电路以确保满足标准的要求。   基于AC/DC和DC/DC电源模块的EMI性能设计方案本文提供了实现AC/DC和DC/DC电源的EMI性能以及如何选择外部滤波器件的指南。   设备的电磁兼容性(EMC)涵盖了传导、辐射、静电放电(ESD)、以及AC/DC电源的输入线电流失真。在欧洲,EMC指令2014/30/EU要求终端设备符合统一标准。在本文中,我们将介绍AC/DC和DC/DC开关电源的传导和辐射原理,并实例剖析滤波器件的选择对E
Preface Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance: A Handbook for Designers, Second Edition, is a significant enhancement to the first edition. The first edition was well received within the engineering community worldwide and was translated into international languages. The intent of the present volume is to expand upon concepts presented in the earlier edition, to justify why a specific design technique works, and to show when it is appropriate for use. Additional techniques based on technological changes within the last few years are also incorporated. These techniques and enhancements are based on questions, comments, and discussions received from engineers around the world. This book presents information never before published within the engineering community, dealing exclusively with printed circuit boards (PCBs). When writing the first edition, it was impossible to anticipate the amount of variations possible, or what the intended audience expected from a book directed toward nondegreed engineers. A thorough understanding of the concepts presented herein will assist during the design and layout process. Note the key word here —"concepts." Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance will help minimize the emission or reception of unwanted radio frequency (RF) energy generated by components and circuits, thus achieving acceptable levels of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrical equipment. The field of EMC consists of two distinct areas: 1. Emissions: Propagation of electromagnetic interference (EMI) from noncompliant devices (culprits) and, in particular, radiated and conducted electromagnetic interference. 2. Susceptibility or immunity: The detrimental effects on susceptible devices (victims) in forms that include EMI, electrostatic discharge (ESD), and electrical overstress (EOS). The primary goal of the engineer is to ensure proper operation and performance of a product when used within an intended electromagnetic environment. These design requirements are in addition to making a product function as desired for use within a specific, end-use environment. Information presented in this guideline is intended for those who design and layout printed circuit boards. EMC and compliance engineers will also find the information presented herein helpful in solving design problems at both the PCB and system level. This book can be used as a reference document for any design project. The focus of this book is strictly on the PCB. Containment techniques (shielding), internal and external cabling, power supply design, and other system-level subassemblies that use PCBs as a subcomponent will not be discussed. Again, as in the first edition, excellent reference material on these aspects of EMC system-level engineering is listed in the References section at the ends of chapters.
2023-02-23 06:17:28 7.19MB EMC PCB design
1月出席DesignCon 2015时,我有机会听到一个由Efficient Power Conversion 公司CEO Alex  Lidow主讲的有趣专题演讲,谈到以氮化镓(GaN)技术进行高功率开关组件(Switching Device)的研发。我也有幸遇到“电源完整性  --在电子系统测量、优化和故障排除电源相关参数(Power Integrity - Measuring, Optimizing, and  Troubleshooting Power Related Parameters in Electronic Systems)”一书的作者Steve  Sandler,他提出与测
2023-02-16 19:16:31 456KB GaN功率开关及其对EMI的影响探究
超详细地介绍EMC屏蔽技术与原理 !
2023-02-15 10:33:54 1.01MB 电磁屏蔽 EMC
2023-02-13 10:54:28 297KB EMC|EMI