Abstract —— Renewable Energy is emerging as major Source of power throughout the world. Wind Energy is one of the most popular sources of renewable energy. Distribution-connected wind turbine is accompanied with various power quality issues. Flicker is one of the power quality issues in a distributionconnected wind turbine imposing technical limitations on amount of wind power to be integrated at particular point of common coupling (PCC). This paper details the flicker problems ncountered upon the connection of wind power to distribution networks and its effects on the network characteristics commensurate with the flicker severity. It describes the mitigation of flicker in a distribution connected wind-farm with the STATCOM.
2021-08-26 14:08:23 467KB STATCOM 风电场 闪变抑制
Abstract—This paper proposes an adaptive optimal policy for hourly operation of an energy storage system (ESS) in a gridconnected wind power company. The purpose is to time shift wind energy to maximize the expected daily profit following uncertainties in wind generation and electricity price. A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) framework is adopted to formulate this problem, and an objective function approximation method is applied to improve the SDP computational efficiency. Case studies on the Electric Reliability Council of Texas demonstrate that the resultant profits from SDP-based operation policy are considerably higher than those from deterministic policy, and comparable to those from the perfect information model. It is concluded that the presented SDP approach can provide operation policy highly adaptive to uncertainties arising from wind and price. The proposed framework can help the wind company optimally manage its generation with ESS.
2021-08-25 17:05:37 2.03MB 风电场 储能
2021-08-23 09:01:39 653KB
OpenFAST OpenFAST 是一种基于 FAST v8 的风力涡轮机仿真工具。 FAST.Farm 扩展了 OpenFAST 模拟多涡轮风电场的能力。 它们的创建目标是成为研究实验室、学术界和工业界开发和使用的社区模型。 它们由国家可再生能源实验室的专门团队管理。 我们的目标是确保 OpenFAST 和 FAST.Farm 是经过充分测试和记录良好的可持续软件。 如果您想做出贡献,请参阅和任何带有标签的未解决的 GitHub 问题。 OpenFAST 正在积极开发中。 FAST v8 - OpenFAST 从 FAST v8 到 OpenFAST 的过渡代表了更好地支持围绕基于 FAST 的风力涡轮机和风力发电厂的航空水力伺服弹性工程模型的开源开发人员社区的努力。 OpenFAST 是下一代 FAST 分析工具。 提供了更多信息。 FAST v8,即现在的 OpenFAST
2021-08-11 17:21:27 28.06MB Fortran
2021-07-29 14:26:53 627KB PSCAD 风电场 电力系统
2021-07-21 12:08:07 3.39MB 电气 数据集 程序