2022-11-14 23:17:30 1.14MB 自然科学 论文
2022-09-28 21:03:20 4.25MB 软件
2022-03-27 14:49:13 3.45MB 统计降尺度
matlab统计降级代码当地 该存储库由 NCL 和 MATLAB 代码组成,用于处理、分析和绘制局部构造模拟(LOCA;Pierce et al. 2014)统计缩小的网格气候数据。 网格化气候数据包括 29 耦合模型比对项目 5 (CMIP5) 的美国东北部地区 1/16 度分辨率下的日最高地表气温 (tasmax)、地表空气最低温度 (tasmin) 和日降水量 (pr)楷模。 模拟包括历史 (1980-2005)、较低排放 rcp4.5 (2006-2099) 和较高排放 rcp8.5 (2006-2099)。 这是一个正在进行中的存储库,预计在 2018 年整个夏季都会进行更新。代码不会“按原样”运行,但需要自定义(即路径、子文件夹)。 以下是我自己处理中的脚本列表和一般使用顺序。 ann_hist.ncl 计算历史(1980-2005)年温度(最小值和最大值)和降水(总量)的气候平均值和线性趋势。 输入包括三个变量的每日 LOCA 数据: tasmin(表面最低气温) tasmax(表面最高气温) 降水量(每日总量) 输出包括网络通用数据格式(netCDF 或 .nc)文件
2021-08-24 17:51:25 72KB 系统开源
matlab统计降级代码该 repo 包含 MATLAB 代码,用于实现基函数选择算法以及在局部克里金法、固定秩克里金法和融合高斯过程之间进行比较。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Ma 等人的题为“在全球观测系统模拟实验中构建高分辨率自然运行的空间统计降尺度”的论文。 (2019) ().
2021-07-18 19:37:37 347KB 系统开源
Use of NWAI-WG data   So far, NWAI-WG data have been used on a collaborative basis in publications (see the attached file). The major reasons are the data were not widely distributed. They were only used in our group and our collaborative networks. There were some cases with requests of the data made after people read Liu and Zou's (2012) paper. You have two options for using the data. Option 1: Collaboration with us. In this case, we will help you to describe the downscaling method and contribute to other parts of the paper such as comments/suggestions on the papers, if the fields are within our expertise. Option 2: Use of the data on your own. While option 1 for collaboration with us is welcome, option 2 is also highly encouraged, particularly, when the data are used for these research disciplines, rather than agricultural related. Thanks to Professor Yu who provides us with his group's web site (www.agrivy.com) as a media for distribution of the data.   Acknowledgment for option 1  “We acknowledge the modelling groups, the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) and the WCRP’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) for their roles in making available the WCRP CMIP5 multi-model dataset. Support of this dataset is provided by the Office of Science, US Department of Energy. Dr. Ian Macadam of the University of New South Wales downloaded the raw GCM monthly data. ”   Acknowledgment for option 2  “We acknowledge the modelling groups, the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) and the WCRP’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) for their roles in making available the WCRP CMIP5 multi-model dataset. Support of this dataset is provided by the Office of Science, US Department of Energy. Dr. Ian Macadam of the University of New South Wales downloaded the raw GCM monthly data. Dr. De Li Liu of the NSW Department of Primary Industries used NWAI-WG to downscale downscaled daily data. Also, thanks to AGRIVY (www.agrivy.c
2021-06-22 09:40:14 78B cmip5 rcp45 rcp85 统计降尺度
2021-03-03 16:07:11 4.33MB SDSM软件 统计降尺度软件
软件介绍: SDSM-DC V5.2基于统计降尺度,能快速建立大气环流模式与地区气候要素的统计关系,能够对大尺度GCM数据降尺度处理。版本有点老,但仍然可以运行在WIN7操作系统上。
2020-04-18 03:15:32 3.96MB 其他资源
2020-04-18 03:15:30 304KB 首发论文
2019-12-21 21:49:47 3.96MB SDSM模型 降尺度 统计降尺度