教师用书-研究生综合英语1(修订版).pdf ) 您可以上传小于50MB的文件
2023-09-21 20:42:23 1.01MB 综合英语
研究生综合英语1 课后答案和课文翻译研究生综合英语1 课后答案和课文翻译研究生综合英语1 课后答案和课文翻译
2021-11-29 20:01:55 239KB 答案
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2021-11-09 10:50:02 1.01MB 研究生英语
2021-10-06 20:48:59 297KB 研究生综合英语2 答案
Intimacy, passion, and commitment are the warm, hot, and cold vertices of Sternberg’s love triangle. Alone and in combination they give rise to eight possible kinds of love relationships. The first is nonlove—absence of all three components. This describes the large majority of our personal relationships, which are simply causal interactions. The second kind of love is liking. “If you just have intimacy”, Sternberg explains, “that’s liking. You can talk to the person, tell about your life. And if that’s all there’s to it, that’s what we mean by liking.” It refers to the feelings experienced in true friendships. Liking includes such feelings as closeness and warmth but not the intense feelings of passion or commitment. If you just have passion, it’s called infatuated love—“love at first sight” that can arise almost instantaneously and dissipate just as quickly. It involves a high degree pf physiological arousal but not intimacy or commitment. It’s the 10th-grader who falls madly in love with the beautiful girl in his biology class but never gets up the courage to talk to her or get to know her. Empty love is commitment without intimacy or passion, the kind of love sometimes seen in a 30-year-old marriage that has become stagnant. The couple used to be intimated, but they don’t talk to each other any more. They used to be passionate, but that’s died out. All that remains is the commitment to stay with the other person. In societies in which marriage are arranged, Sternberg points out, empty love may precede the other kind of love.
2021-09-24 14:32:35 1.17MB 曾道明 陆效用
研究生综合英语1+课后答案和课文翻译 研究生综合英语1+课后答案和课文翻译 研究生综合英语1+课后答案和课文翻译
2021-09-09 00:28:08 1.87MB 中科大 综合英语
2021-08-18 11:53:36 29.49MB 中科大研究生综合英语
中科大研究生综合英语 中科大研究生综合英语听力材料音频mp3 中科大研究生综合英语听力材料及音频 中科大研究生综合英语听力材料答案及音频
2021-08-18 11:53:01 27.48MB 中科大综合英语