2023-05-10 16:23:08 311KB matlab 光流 HS算法
采用Lucas Kanade算法计算灰色图像间的光流变化矢量
2023-03-02 11:35:02 4KB 光流计算 matlab
2022-11-21 15:25:39 940KB kafka flink IDEA
在matlab中建立了《电力系统碳排放流的计算方法初探》论文的数学模型的仿真,与论文中的案例分析结果完全一致,在论文中标注了其中的一些细节问题,修改了了一些错误,对相关专业的同学有一定的借鉴意义。 如果有任何问题可以私信或者回复评论,我会第一时间回复。
Streaming data is a big deal in big data these days. As more and more businesses seek to tame the massive unbounded data sets that pervade our world, streaming systems have finally reached a level of maturity sufficient for mainstream adoption. With this practical guide, data engineers, data scientists, and developers will learn how to work with streaming data in a conceptual and platform-agnostic way. Expanded from Tyler Akidau’s popular blog posts "Streaming 101" and "Streaming 102", this book takes you from an introductory level to a nuanced understanding of the what, where, when, and how of processing real-time data streams. You’ll also dive deep into watermarks and exactly-once processing with co-authors Slava Chernyak and Reuven Lax. You’ll explore: How streaming and batch data processing patterns compare The core principles and concepts behind robust out-of-order data processing How watermarks track progress and completeness in infinite datasets How exactly-once data processing techniques ensure correctness How the concepts of streams and tables form the foundations of both batch and streaming data processing The practical motivations behind a powerful persistent state mechanism, driven by a real-world example How time-varying relations provide a link between stream processing and the world of SQL and relational algebra
2022-09-16 17:54:50 7.35MB 流计算 大数据
2022-08-17 15:12:23 516KB mos 驱动 流计算
1、全面掌握Storm技术开发、运维、调优; 2、掌握Storm完整项目开发思路和架构设计,陡直提升经验值! 3、掌握Storm Trident项目开发模式; 4、掌握Storm集成Kafka开发及项目实战; 5、掌握HighCharts各类图表开发和实时无刷新加载数据; 6、掌握Storm+Kafka+HBase的经典组合,完整呈现企业实践项目; 7、可以做到以一己之力完成从后台开发(Storm、Kafka、Hbase开发)到前台HighCharts图表开发、Jquery运用等,所有工作一个人搞定! 就是说可以一个人搞定淘宝双11大屏幕项目!
2022-07-20 20:11:13 16KB 基于Storm流计算天猫双十一作
2022-07-13 13:06:15 2.84MB 考试
Yahoo的分布式流计算平台 S4.7z
2022-07-06 15:05:05 9.19MB 分布式
2022-06-24 13:18:18 7KB