2022-10-27 12:09:32 230KB 鼠标样式
2021-06-11 13:47:57 111KB vue element elementui theme
使用方法: 1. Add 4 TStyleBook components to your form 2. Load your custom Windows style to the TStyleBook component and rename it to WinStyleBook 3. Load your custom Mac OS style to the TStyleBook component and rename it to MacStyleBook 4. Load your custom iOS style to the TStyleBook component and rename it to iOSStyleBook 5. Load your custom Android style to the TStyleBook component and rename it to AndroidStyleBook 6. At runtime, execute the following code 7. Set Form1.StyleBook = nil before running the application
2020-01-15 03:07:16 7.83MB FireMonkey xe6 delphi 样式包
Andorid studio 主题样式包。包含DarkBlue.jar、Monokai Sublime Text 3、LadiesNight2.jar、SolarizedLight (Alternate).jar、Zenburn.jar等字体主题
2019-12-21 20:10:53 13KB Theme Android Stud 字体主题样式