2022-05-10 16:56:35 1.23MB 遥感 城市扩张
基于多时相Landsat 数据的城市扩张及其驱动力分析
2022-05-02 18:04:19 186KB 文档资料
根据多个来源的遥感数据(Landsat 和 Sentinel 图像的时间序列)来绘制从 1990 年到 2015 年五年间隔的不透水表面积(ISA),然后将结果转换为所建的标准化数据集联合国(UN)世界城市化展望(WUP)数据库(包括中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾)的433个中国人口30万及以上城市。 与中国国家统计局、世界银行和联合国人居署当代数据的比较表明,我们的结果具有较高的空间准确性和良好的时间一致性,可用于表征中国城市扩张过程。 SUBAD-China 包含 2,598 个 shapefile 格式的矢量文件,其中包含 WUP 数据库中列出的所有中国城市的数据,这些城市具有不同的城市规模和收入水平,人口超过 300,000。
2022-02-24 14:00:26 700.92MB 中国城市扩张过程
The mapped global annual urban dynamics (GAUD) and green recovery from 1985 to 2015 at a 30-m resolution. This part of data is organized by 10-degree grids (totally 224). Shapefiles of 10-degree grids can be found in "grids_world.zip". Urban expansion data is packaged in "urban_grid_i.zip" (i ranges from 0 to 223). Green recovery data is packaged in "green_grid_0-223.zip". Their format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, values from 1985 to 2015 demonstrate the urbanized or green recovery year, while 0 means no data. (2) The interpreted samples of urban extent in 1985 and 2015, and urbanized year during 1985 and 2015. This part of data is for examining the accuracies of our data fusion and temporal segmentation approach. Interpreted urban extent is packaged in "Ref_tif_clip_1985.rar" and "Ref_tif_clip_2015.rar". Its format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, value 1 means urban areas, while 0 means non-urban areas. Valid samples of urbanized year can be found in "validation_urbanized_year.xls". (3) A demo of NUACI calculation and urbanized years dectection can be found at link: https://code.earthengine.google.com/1c901129fa8c9d81b292824e8fb4ff1c
The mapped global annual urban dynamics (GAUD) and green recovery from 1985 to 2015 at a 30-m resolution. This part of data is organized by 10-degree grids (totally 224). Shapefiles of 10-degree grids can be found in "grids_world.zip". Urban expansion data is packaged in "urban_grid_i.zip" (i ranges from 0 to 223). Green recovery data is packaged in "green_grid_0-223.zip". Their format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, values from 1985 to 2015 demonstrate the urbanized or green recovery year, while 0 means no data. (2) The interpreted samples of urban extent in 1985 and 2015, and urbanized year during 1985 and 2015. This part of data is for examining the accuracies of our data fusion and temporal segmentation approach. Interpreted urban extent is packaged in "Ref_tif_clip_1985.rar" and "Ref_tif_clip_2015.rar". Its format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, value 1 means urban areas, while 0 means non-urban areas. Valid samples of urbanized year can be found in "validation_urbanized_year.xls". (3) A demo of NUACI calculation and urbanized years dectection can be found at link: https://code.earthengine.google.com/1c901129fa8c9d81b292824e8fb4ff1c
2021-07-07 19:03:39 1.68MB 在线教育 互联网教育
2019-12-21 20:51:19 13.87MB 夜间灯光 DMSP 城市扩张