pell 是最简单最小(5kB)的所见即所得的WYSIWYG文本编辑器
2022-09-16 14:49:14 667KB JavaScript开发-编辑器
InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor 5.1 Copyright ?2010, INNOVA STUDIO ( All rights reserved. ____________________________________________________________________ LICENSE AGREEMENT ONE LICENSE REQUIRED PER DEVELOPER Use of InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor (SOURCE CODE) requires one license per developer. Licenses are non-transferable between developers. ROYALTY FREE DISTRIBUTION 1. grants you, the licensed developer, the right to use InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor, customize to her/his needs and requirements and distribute InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor in a commercial application, without any royalty whatsoever, provided that : - You do not distribute InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor, in whole or in part, in any form that does not add primary and substantial value to the SOURCE CODE, and that this resulting product must not compete with InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor on the market level. - You do not permit (either by explicit or implicit means) further distribution of the InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor by your end users. 2. As a result of point 1, if you add some features into InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor and sell it as upgraded product, it is not allowed, since, in essence, the product offers the same purpose, and it may actually compete with our product. Also, migrating InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor to another server platform that at the end resulting the same product with the same functions or translating InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor to use another languages can not be considered that you have added a substantial value to the SOURCE CODE. You must include InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor into your product / project as a supporting function / add-on facility, and it is not the main / core functionality of InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor that your product offers. 3. As a result of point 1, you do not distribute InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor in free and/or Open Source projects/applications. 4. A single license provides for unlimited distribution of a single application that provides InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor functionality. Additional licenses must be purchased for royalty free distribution of any additional applications. LIMITED WARRANTY Although has tested this SOURCE CODE and reviewed the documentation, makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to this SOURCE CODE, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. As a result, InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor is licensed AS-IS, and you are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance. shall not be liable for any claim or right to recover damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the software or special, incidental, or consequential damages, or other similar claims, even if has been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages.
2022-03-16 10:07:35 582KB innova editor
WYSIWYG Web Builder是一款专业的网页可视化生成工具,不需要学习HTML,就可以创建自己的全站网页。
2022-02-08 16:15:33 33.23MB 所见即所得 网页制作
WYSIWYG Web Builder网页生成器是一个所见即所得(你看到的是什么,你得到的就是什么)用于创建网页的程序。所见即所得意味着成品页面将显示正是它被设计的方式。该程序生成的HTML(超文本标记语言)标记,而你指向和点击所需的功能;您可以创建一个网页,无需学习HTML。只需拖放对象,他们'随时随地'出现在你想要的页面位置,当你完成它发布到Web服务器(使用内置的发布工具)。网页生成器让您完全控制您的网页的内容和布局。
2022-02-08 11:29:00 29.1MB WE html H5
这个是好不容易从google网盘下来的 MediaWiki1 21 适配的富文本编辑器 基于CK编辑器的 从此百科的编辑不再丑陋
2022-01-18 10:53:19 2.51MB MediaWiki
WYSIWYG Web Builder 官方简体中文版 16.4.1
2021-12-12 18:31:31 36.05MB 网页制作 所见即所得 简体中文
为Bootstrap定制的微型所见即所得(What you see is what you get)富文本编辑器,以及封装好的wysiwyg.jsp组件,让你开发起来爽快到飞起来
2021-11-05 00:02:46 165KB 富文本编辑器
主要介绍了vue-froala-wysiwyg 富文本编辑器功能,分步骤给大家介绍了vue3.中如何安装使用froala,本文给大家介绍的非常详细,具有一定的参考借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下
2021-10-19 14:09:35 43KB vue froala wysiwyg vue富文本编辑器
froala wysiwyg editor 源码,不需要提供序列号即可使用
2021-10-14 17:04:22 899KB froala wysiwyg editor editor源码
Lexi的C ++实现 Lexi-所见即所得的文本编辑器,在“第二章中进行了介绍 动机-我一直在读本书(与大多数人一样),并且遇到诸如“如何实施此模式?”之类的问题。 或“ Lexi是否有开源实现?”。 在互联网上寻找答案之后,我决定自己实施所有解决方案。 注意:即使我已尝试按照书中所述实现某些内容,但将来仍会尝试描述它们之间的差异。 模式参考 Abstract,所有图形单元类的基础。 在GoF的2.2节中进行了描述。 在GoF的2.2节中进行了描述。 策略:基本上任何子雕文。 注意:由于特定于实现,滚动器目前不是GoF中描述的装饰器。 在第2.4节中描述。 在2.5节中描述。 桥:,接口及其子 。 在第2.6节中描述。 在2.7节中描述。 注意:某些模式是WIP状态,可能与GoF中提供的实现有所区别 跨版本的项目功能(Gif格式) 进行中 整理文字编辑器(完成的基本功能
2021-10-06 18:25:45 3MB c-plus-plus patterns wysiwyg decorator