这是一个wrl文件可以用来学习vrml #VRML V2.0 utf8 EXTERNPROTO BlaxxunZone [ eventIn MFNode addEvents eventIn MFNode removeEvents exposedField MFNode events ][ "shared.wrl#BlaxxunZone", "http://www.blaxxun.com/vrml/protos/shared.wrl#BlaxxunZone" ] EXTERNPROTO SharedEvent [ exposedField SFString name # for accessing a special event eventIn SFColor colorFromServer eventOut SFColor colorToServer eventIn SFColor set_color eventOut SFColor color_changed eventIn SFRotation rotationFromServer eventOut SFRotation rotationToServer eventIn SFRotation set_rotation eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed eventOut SFString string_changed eventIn SFString stringFromServer ] [ "shared.wrl#SharedEvent", "http://www.blaxxun.com/vrml/protos/shared.wrl#SharedEvent" ] DEF SharedZone BlaxxunZone { events [ DEF SharedColor SharedEvent { name "newColor" } DEF SharedRotation SharedEvent { name "newRotation" } ] } DEF BoxSwitch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ DEF BoxRotation Transform { children [ Shape { # 红色立方体 appearance Appearance { material DEF BoxColor Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 } } geometry Box { } } ] } ] } # 此球体用来更换颜色 Transform { translation -4 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 } } geometry Sphere {} }, DEF ColorSensor TouchSensor {}, DEF ColorScript Script { eventIn SFTime clicked eventIn SFString changeColor eventOut SFColor color_changed eventOut SFColor color_changed_from_bot url "vrmlscript: function clicked (value, time) { color_changed = new SFColor(Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random()); } function changeColor (value, time) { tempColor = new SFColor(1,0,0); temp = new SFString(value); pos1 = 7; for (i=0; i<3;i++){ temp2 = new SFString(temp.substring(pos1,pos1+1)); if (temp2 == '1') tempColor[i] = 1; pos2 = temp.indexOf(' ',pos1); pos1 = pos2+1; } color_changed_from_bot = tempColor; } " } ] } # 此锥体用来旋转更换 Transform { translation 4 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 } } geometry Cone {} }, DEF RotSensor TouchSensor {}, DEF RotationScript Script { field MFString newurl [ "OnEvent( par1, par2 )" ] # field MFString newurl [ "javascript:OnJSEvent( )" ] field MFString param [ "" "" ] eventIn SFTime clicked eventIn SFTime set_string eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed url "vrmlscript: function clicked (value, time) { angle = Math.random()*6.283; rotation_changed = new SFRotation(0,1,0,angle); } function set_string (value, time) { newurl[0] = 'OnEvent ( ' + 'your par1 ' + ',' + 'your par2' + ')'; Browser.loadURL (newurl,param); } " } ] } Transform { translation 0 -3 0 children [ DEF ChangeString Text { string "ChangeString" } ] } Script { url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { }" } #ROUTE RotSensor.touchTime TO RotationScript.clicked ROUTE RotSensor.touchTime TO RotationScript.set_string #ROUTE RotationScript.rotation_changed TO SharedRotation.set_rotation ROUTE RotationScript.rotation_changed TO BoxRotation.set_rotation ROUTE SharedRotation.rotation_changed TO BoxRotation.rotation ROUTE ColorSensor.touchTime TO ColorScript.clicked ROUTE ColorScript.color_changed TO SharedColor.set_color ROUTE SharedColor.color_changed TO BoxColor.diffuseColor ROUTE ColorScript.color_changed_from_bot TO BoxColor.diffuseColor ROUTE SharedColor.string_changed TO ColorScript.changeColor
2022-10-29 11:39:57 3KB 一个wrl用例
2022-05-18 21:39:28 294KB html5 x3d 3dsmax wrl
支持网页三维交互显示 *.wrl 内容. *.wrl 为 3DMax 等建模工具导出的文件
2022-05-13 10:37:07 1.29MB VRML插件,wrl
2022-05-01 19:27:26 24KB 建筑轮廓 Arcgis Blender wrl
VRML的英文全称为Virtual Reality Modeling Language,即虚拟现实建模语言,它是第二代WWW的标准语言。今天,随着计算机和多媒体技术的逐渐成熟,以及Internet和个人电脑的日益普及,VRML正逐渐深入我们每个人的生活。VRML,可以构建出优美,逼真的虚拟场景,此处在这里发一个浏览器,可以帮助大家进一步了解VRML。
2022-04-24 20:03:55 669KB wrl VRML
Vrml Library 50个VRML(.WRL格式)模型及纹理包,可供学习设计参考。 2D Shapes 3D Shapes Anatomy Architecture Architecture - Exterior Architecture - Interior Bathroom Bedroom Behaviors Buildings Character Accessories Characters Cityscape Colors Creatures - Air Creatures - Land Creatures - Sea Cupboards Dinosaurs Expert VRML 2.0 Building Blocks Expert VRML 2.0 Nodes Favorites Furnishings - Household Furnishings - Industrial Furnishings - Office Furniture Household Insects Kitchen Landmarks Lights Miscellaneous Musical I
简单的vrml制作,VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)即虚拟现实建模语言。是一种用于建立真实世界的场景模型或人们虚构的三维世界的场景建模语言,也具有平台无关性。是目前Internet上基于 WWW的三维互动网站制作的主流语言。
2021-12-16 10:16:50 865B vrml
2021-12-10 18:29:24 424B Coin3D wrl文件的读取与显示 qt vs
VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)即虚拟现实建模语言。是一种用于建立真实世界的场景模型或人们虚构的三维世界的场景建模语言,也具有平台无关性。 本质上是一种面向web,面向对象的三维造型语言,而且它是一种解释性语言。VRML的对象称为结点,子结点的集合可以构成复杂的景物。结点可以通过实例得到复用,对它们赋以名字,进行定义后,即可建立动态的VR(虚拟世界)。是目前Internet上基于 WWW的三维互动网站制作的主流语言。
2021-10-29 13:21:44 940B vrml