Who this book is for Microsoft Word 2013 Step by Step and other books in the Step by Step series are designed for beginning to intermediate-level computer users. Examples shown in the book generally pertain to small and medium-sized businesses but teach skills that can be used in organiza- tions of any size. Whether you are already comfortable working in Word and want to learn about new features in Word 2013 or are new to Word, this book provides invaluable hands- on experience so that you can create and modify professional documents with ease.
2021-09-04 14:37:28 19.31MB word 2013 书籍 入门
分享一个解决方法,适用于安装EndNote后 由于各种原因 64位Word无法正常加载。 适用于无法勾选 EndNote 设置WORD加载项。现象:文件-----选项-------加载项--------转到 勾选弹出窗口中选择 endnote cite while you write 点击确定后仍然无法加载可试试此方法。 亲测可行:win10 + Word2013(x64) + EndNote X7 此方法偶然从网上寻得,与小伙伴们分享,希望能为你节省下宝贵时间。^_^
2021-02-19 21:11:55 5.08MB EndNoteX7 64位 word2013