2021-02-01 19:07:06 5.13MB mathematica corona wolfram-language covid-19
Although many books have been written about Mathematica, very few of them cover the new functionality added to the most recent versions of the program. Mathematica Beyond Mathematics: The Wolfram Language in the Real World introduces the new features using real-world examples, based on the experience of the author as a consultant. In the process, you will also learn more about the Wolfram Language and how you can use it to solve a wide variety of problems. The author raises questions from a wide range of topics and answers them by taking full advantage of Mathematicas latest features. For example What sources of energy does the world really use? How can we calculate tolerance limits in manufacturing processes? Are our cities getting warmer? Is the novel El Quijote written in Pi? How can we find planets outside our solar system?
2020-01-25 03:16:16 21.67MB mathematica
Wolfram语言编程入门。 由 Stephen Wolfram 大师亲笔撰写,没有冗长的论述,只有以例子示范, 像一份学习笔记。 适合无任何编程背景人士学习。
2019-12-25 11:19:32 55.61MB Mathematica 教程 Programming 数学
The Wolfram Language is a computer language. It gives you a way to communicate with computers, in particular so you can tell them what to do.
2019-12-21 21:33:43 15.44MB Wolfram mathematica