深信服WOC常用的OID 帮助快速添加到zabbix监控
2022-02-25 14:09:14 24KB zabbix snmpOID WOC
Wireless Optical Communication Systems addresses the problem of designing efficient signalling and provides a link between the areas of communication theory and modem design for amplitude constrained linear optical intensity channel. Topics include historical perspective, channel impairments, amplitude constraints and the characteristics of popular optoelectronic components. A variety of wireless optical channel topologies are presented along with a survey and analysis of present day signalling techniques employed for these channels. The author provides a unifying framework for signalling design which allows the channel constraints to be represented geometrically and permits the use of modem design principles from electrical channels. Modulation schemes are designed using the formalism of lattice codes and a design process for signalling sets is specified.
2021-10-17 23:10:02 6.98MB WOC FSO
2021-09-20 17:02:29 2.78MB
2021-09-20 17:02:27 2.92MB
2021-09-20 17:02:23 1.15MB
2021-09-20 17:02:17 1.41MB
2021-09-20 17:02:16 1.4MB
深信服2019渠道认证笔试题目 高级(ssl AC AF AD WOC 虚拟化) 题库 ,密码123
2021-07-31 09:15:55 16.45MB ssl af woc ad
1.广域网应用及网络建设现状 2.深信服广域网优化解决方案 3.客户需求及产品价值 4.投资回报分析 5. WOC产品目标客户及市场工作方法 6.主要竞争对手及整体策略介绍
2021-05-15 19:03:51 8.49MB 售前 WOC