unity线框网格着色器Wirefr ame shader - The Amazing Wirefr ame shader v2017.11 所支持的Unity版本:5.6.0 及以上版本,完美的网格着色器
2022-11-17 11:47:19 73.63MB unity shader
Most wanted and demanded wireframe shader. • 100% shader effect • No script rendering (GL.Lines) • No use of a second mesh/camera/material while rendering • No DX11 required • Mobile, console and VR ready • One node integration with ShaderGraph and Amplify Shader Editor • Quad and Triangle wireframe rendering • Skinned meshes - Yes • Various parameters for Wireframe visualization • Wireframe distance and dynamic fade effects • Tessellation and global illumination support • Special Wireframe projector shader • Wireframe Texture Exporter tool • Simple, fast, beautiful ... amazing
2021-08-27 09:13:19 72.43MB wireframeshader wireframe